作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-13
[1]Benabid AL.Long_term suppression of tremor by chronic stimula tion of the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus[J].Lancet, 1991,337:403
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[6]Andy OJ.Thalamic stimulation for control of movement disordersby chronic tereotaxic stimulation of the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus[J].JNeurosurg,1992,77:62
[7]Limousine P,Pollak P,Benazzouz A,et al.Improvement in parkinsonian symptoms after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation[J].Lancet,1995,345:91
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[9]Ghika J,Villermuer J,Fankhauser H,et al.Effeciency and safety of bilateral contemporaneous pallidal stimulation(deep brain stimulation) in levodopare sponsive patients with Parkinson’s disease with severe motor fluctuations:a 2-years follow- up review[J].J Neurosurg,1998,89:713
[10]Blond S.Control of tremors and involuntary movement disorders by chronic stereotactic stimulation of the ventral interme diate thalamic nucleus[J].J Neurosurg,1992,77:62
[11]Iacono RP,Lonser RR,Maeda G,et al.Chronic anterior pallodal stimula tion for Parkinson’s disease[J].Acta Neurochirurgica, 1995,137:106
[12]Siegfried J,Lippita B.Bilateral chronic eletrostimulation of ventroposter plateral pallidum:a new therapeutic approach for alleviating all Parkinsinian symptoms[J].Neurosurgery,1994,35:1 126
[13]Limousine P,Pollak P,Benazzouz A,et al.Improvement in parkinsonian symptoms after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation[J].Lancet,1995,345:91
[14]Deiber MP,Pollak P,Passingham R,et al.Thalamic stimulation and sup pression of parkinsonian tremor[J].Brain,1993,116:267
[15]Benabid AL,Pollak P,Gao D,et al.Chronic electrical stimulation of the VIM of the thalamus as a treatment of movement disorders[J].J Neurosug,1996,84:203
[16]Benabid AL,Pollak P,Gross C,et al.Acute and long_term effects of STN stimulation in PD[J].Stereotact Funct Neurosurg,1994,62:76
[17]Cooper IS.Chronic cerebellar stimulation and DBS in involuntary move ment disorders[J].Appl Neurphsiol,1982,45:209
[1]Benabid AL.Long_term suppression of tremor by chronic stimula tion of the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus[J].Lancet, 1991,337:403
[2]Bechereva NP.Method of eletrostimulation of the deep brain structure in treatment some chronic disease[J].Confin Neurol, 1975,37:136
[3]Brice J.Supprosion of intention tremor by contingent deep_brain stimulation [J].Lancet,1980,1:1 221
[4]Ohye C,Hirai T,Miyazaki M,et al.VIM thalamotomy for the treatment varionskinds tremor[J].Applied.Neurophysiology, 1982,45:275
[5]Hirain T,Miyazaki M,Nakajma H,et al.The correlation between tremor characteristics and predicted volume of effective lesions in stereotaxic nu cleusventralisintermedius thalamotomy[J].Brain,1983,106:1 201
[6]Andy OJ.Thalamic stimulation for control of movement disordersby chronic tereotaxic stimulation of the ventral intermediate thalamic nucleus[J].JNeurosurg,1992,77:62
[7]Limousine P,Pollak P,Benazzouz A,et al.Improvement in parkinsonian symptoms after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation[J].Lancet,1995,345:91
[8]Tronnier VM,Fogel W,Kronenbuercer M,et al.Pallidal stimulation:an al ternative to pallidotomy[J].J Neurosurg,1997,87:700
[9]Ghika J,Villermuer J,Fankhauser H,et al.Effeciency and safety of bilateral contemporaneous pallidal stimulation(deep brain stimulation) in levodopare sponsive patients with Parkinson’s disease with severe motor fluctuations:a 2-years follow- up review[J].J Neurosurg,1998,89:713
[10]Blond S.Control of tremors and involuntary movement disorders by chronic stereotactic stimulation of the ventral interme diate thalamic nucleus[J].J Neurosurg,1992,77:62
[11]Iacono RP,Lonser RR,Maeda G,et al.Chronic anterior pallodal stimula tion for Parkinson’s disease[J].Acta Neurochirurgica, 1995,137:106
[12]Siegfried J,Lippita B.Bilateral chronic eletrostimulation of ventroposter plateral pallidum:a new therapeutic approach for alleviating all Parkinsinian symptoms[J].Neurosurgery,1994,35:1 126
[13]Limousine P,Pollak P,Benazzouz A,et al.Improvement in parkinsonian symptoms after bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation[J].Lancet,1995,345:91
[14]Deiber MP,Pollak P,Passingham R,et al.Thalamic stimulation and sup pression of parkinsonian tremor[J].Brain,1993,116:267
[15]Benabid AL,Pollak P,Gao D,et al.Chronic electrical stimulation of the VIM of the thalamus as a treatment of movement disorders[J].J Neurosug,1996,84:203
[16]Benabid AL,Pollak P,Gross C,et al.Acute and long_term effects of STN stimulation in PD[J].Stereotact Funct Neurosurg,1994,62:76
[17]Cooper IS.Chronic cerebellar stimulation and DBS in involuntary move ment disorders[J].Appl Neurphsiol,1982,45:209