【摘要】 目的 探讨不同剂量的蕨麻提取物对小鼠肺组织结构的影响与其VECF分泌作用的相关关系。 方法 昆明小鼠40只,随机分为五组,对照组及实验组(为四组),每组8只。对照组小鼠用生理盐水灌胃,实验组小鼠用不同剂量的蕨麻提取物每日灌胃,每只0.05ml/g。 实验小鼠一周后断颈处死。取肺组织用10%的福尔马林固定,脱水、透明浸蜡、切片、HE染色。肺组织肉眼及OLYMPUA-BX50显微镜下观察。结果 对照组小鼠肺组织无明显改变。实验组不同浓度的蕨麻提取物对小鼠肺组织的影响不同,Ⅰ组小鼠肺组织表面肉眼见不同程度的散在点状出血、显微镜下肺泡腔内见散在红细胞;Ⅱ组小鼠肺组织表面肉眼无明显异常,显微镜下肺泡腔内见散在红细胞及淡伊红色液体,两组均见肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血及毛细血管内皮细胞呈不同程度的增生肥大。Ⅲ组及Ⅳ组的小鼠肺组织表面肉眼未见异常,显微镜下见肺泡壁毛细血管扩张呈不同程度的轻度充血。结论 不同剂量的蕨麻提取物对小鼠肺泡壁毛细血管内皮细胞的影响不同,肺泡壁毛细血管内皮细胞呈不同程度的增生肥大导致毛细血管通透性呈现不同程度的增加,表明可能与不同浓度的蕨麻提取物促进小鼠肺组织某些血管内皮细胞因子(Vascular endothelial cell factor VECF )的分泌作用有关。
【关键词】 蕨麻;肺组织;血管内皮细胞
The relation between the effect of potentill anserine on pulmonary tissue structure of small rat and the VECF secretion function
【Abstract】 Objective To study different measure of potentill anserine extract to the relation between the effects of potentill anserine on pulmonary tissue structure of small rat and the VECF secretion function. Methods 40 Kunming small rats are divided into 5 groups at random. Control group and experimental group (4 groups), each eight. The control group infuses stomach with normal saline; the experimental group infuses stomach with different measure of potentill anserine extract everyday, each 0.05ml/g. Test small rat breaking the neck to death after a week. The pulmonary tissue fixes with 10% formalin, dehydrates, and immerses the transparent examples in the wax, cuts into slices, HE dye. Pulmonary tissue is observed with naked eye and OLYMPUA-BX50 microscopically. Results The pulmonary tissue of control group small rat has no obvious change. The experimental group has various changes in the different density of potentill anserine extract. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface ofⅠgroup can see sporadic petechia of different degree; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte under the microscope. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface of Ⅱ group is no obvious abnormality by naked eye; pulmonary alveolus cavity can see sporadic erythrocyte and thin powder color liquid under the microscope. Two groups all have the capillary vessel of alveolar wall dilation and the endothelial cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy in different degree. The small rat pulmonary tissue surface of Ⅲ and Ⅳ group can’t see any abnormality; the capillary vessel of alveolar wall dilation appears a little hyperemia in different degree under the microscope.Conclusion Different measures of potentill anserine extract has different effects on endothelial cell of capillary vessel of small rats’ alveolar wall. Endothelial cell of capillary vessel of alveolar wall has hyperplasia and hypertrophy in different degrees; it leads to permeability of capillary vessel increasing in different extent. With the situation, different concentration of potentill anserine extract promotes vascular endothelial cell factor (VECF) of small rat’s pulmonary tissue secretion.
【Key words】 potentill anserine; pulmonary tissue; vascular endothelial cell
蕨麻(Potentill anserine)属蔷薇科,为膨大的块根,根块肥厚。是青海等高寒地区一种野生植物[2],为药食两用品。近年来对蕨麻的研究,主要是新化合物及其多糖的方面[1];药用方面着重对其免疫功能、抗氧化方面进行研究,而抗应激方面只是初步观察了其对小鼠在疲劳、寒冷等应激状态下的作用。蕨麻在高寒地区作为营养品被人们长期食用,但食用的量对人体各脏器组织是否有利或有害而被人们所忽视。本实验着重从不同剂量的蕨麻提取物对小鼠各脏器组织结构的形态改变与其机制的相关关系进行探讨。目前尚未见同类研究的报道[3~12]。本实验为中医药的研究开发提供初步参考依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 (1)青海干蕨麻,称重、用水反复冲洗,蒸馏水浸泡,剪碎,水提取。根据不同剂量将水提取物配成 100%、50%、20%、10% 液态状物。(2)昆明小鼠40只,体重18~20g,清洁级,购于天津市动物中心;雌、雄不限,随机分为五组,信捷职称论文写作发表网,对照组及实验组(四组,分别为Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组),每组8只。
1.2 方法 对照组用生理盐水灌胃,实验组小鼠用不同剂量的蕨麻提取物每日灌胃(即实验组Ⅰ组用100%蕨麻提取物灌胃,Ⅱ组用50%蕨麻提取物灌胃,Ⅲ组用20%蕨麻提取物灌胃,Ⅳ组用10%蕨麻提取物灌胃),每只 0.05ml/g, 实验小鼠一周后断颈处死。取肺组织肉眼观察及常规固定,脱水、浸蜡、透明、制作石蜡切片,用于HE染色。切片OLYMPUA-BX50显微镜下观察、照相。
2 观察结果
2.1 肉眼观察结果 实验组Ⅰ组小鼠肺组织表面见不同程度的散在暗红色出血点,Ⅱ组小鼠肺组织稍暗红,Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组及对照组小鼠肺组织大致正常。
2.2 显微镜下观察结果 实验组Ⅰ组小鼠肺组织细支气管内见红细胞,肺泡腔内见散在红细胞,肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血及毛细血管内皮细胞呈不同程度的增生肥大,内皮细胞核有的呈小圆形(见图1)。Ⅱ组小鼠肺泡腔内见散在红细胞及淡伊红色液体,肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血及毛细血管内皮细胞呈不同程度的增生肥大(见图2)。Ⅲ组见肺泡壁毛细血管扩张充血及毛细血管内皮细胞呈轻度增生肥大(见图3)。Ⅳ组小鼠肺泡壁毛细血管仅见散在轻度扩张充血(见图4)。对照组小鼠肺组织未见异常(见图5)。各组胸膜大致正常。
3 讨论