作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-13
的关注,肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统活性增加可促进平滑肌细胞增生,利用血管紧张素转化酶(AE)抑制剂可减轻内膜增厚。肾上腺皮质激素可抑制平滑肌细胞增生,但临床使用效果并不理想。雌激素对内皮修复有促进作用, White及Krasinski等[23,24]的动物实验均发现雌激素能促进动脉损伤区重内皮化和内皮细胞功能的恢复,血管内皮细胞上发现有雌激素受体的表达,这表明雌激素直接作用于内皮细胞。
蛋白激酶C (PKC)是广泛存在于细胞内的信号传递物质,是内皮细胞增殖所必需的,用12-豆蔻酸-13-乙酸佛波酯直接活化内皮细胞PKC,发现内皮细胞黏附、伸展及移行能力均增强,而用PKC抑制剂则降低了内皮细胞的再生能力,可见PKC激活剂可作为促进重内皮化的一种方法。
1 Friedman RJ, Stemerman MB, Wenz B, et al. The effect of trombocytopenia on experimental arteriosclerotic lesion formation in rabbits: smooth muscle cell proliferation and re-endothelialization. J Clin Invest, 1977, 60:1191-1201.
2 McNamara CA, Sarembock IJ, Gimple LW, et al. Thrombin stimulates proliferation of cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells by a proteolytically activated receptor. J Clin Invest, 1993, 91:94-98.
3 Thompson MM, Budd JS, Eady SL, et al. Platelet deposition after angioplasty is abolished by restoration of the endothelial cell monolayer. J Vasc Surg, 1994, 19:478-486.
4 Bauters C, de Groote P, Adamantidis M, et al. Proto-oncogene expression in rabbit aorta after wall injury: first marker of the cellular process leading to restenosis after angioplasty? Eur Heart J, 1992, 13:556-559.
5 Casscells AW. Migration of smooth muscle and endothelial cells: critical events in restenosis. Circulation, 1992, 86:723-729.
6 Schwartz RS, Holmes DR Jr, Topol EJ. The restenosis paradigm revisited: an alternative proposal for cellular mechanisms. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1992, 20:1284-1293.
7 Haudenschild CC, Schwartz SM. Endothelial regeneration II: restitution of endothelial continuity. Lab Invest, 1979, 41:407-418.
8 Asahara T, Bauters C, Pastore C, et al. Local delivery of vascular endothelial growth factor accelerates reendothelialization and attenuates intimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery. Circulation, 1995,91:2793-2801.
9 Oberhoff M, Novak S, Herdeg C, et al. Local and systemic delivery of low molecular weight heparin stimulates the reendothelialization after balloon angioplasty. Cardiovasc Res, 1998, 38:751-762.
10 Peiro C, Redondo J, Rodriguez-Martinez MA, et al. Influence of endothelium on cultured vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Hypertension, 1995,25:748-751.
11 Galis ZS, Muszynski M, Sukhova GK, et al. Cytokine-stimulated human vascular smooth muscle cells synthesize a complement of enzymes required for extracellular matrix digestion. Circ Res, 1994,75:181-189.
12 Woessner JF. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in connective tissue remodeling. FASEB J, 1991,5:2145-2154.
13 Libby P, Tanaka H. The molecular bases of restenosis. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 1997,40:97-106.
14 Rogers C, Parikh S, Seifert P, et al. Endogenous cell seeding: remnant endothelium after stenting enhances vascular repair. Circulation, 1996,94:2909-2914.
15 Weidinger FF, McLenachan JM, Cybulski MI, et al. Persistent dysfunction of regenerated endothelium after balloon angioplasty of rabbit iliac artery. Circulation, 1990,81:1667-1679.
16 Saroyan RM, Roberts MP, Light JT Jr, et al. Differential recovery of prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor after vascular injury. Am J Physiol, 1992,262:H1449-H1457.
17 Wilson JM, Birinyi LK, Salomon RN, et al. Implantation of vascular grafts lined with genetically modified endothelial cells. Science, 1989,244:1344-1346.
18 Conte MS, Birinyi LK, Miyata T, et al. Efficient repopulation of denuded rabbit arteries with autologous genetically modified endothelial cells. Circulation, 1994,89:2161-2169.
19 Consigny PM, Vitali NJ. Resistance of freshly adherent endothelial cells to detachment by shear stress is matrix and time dependent. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 1998,9:479-485.
20 Dunn PF, Newman KD, Jones M, et al. Seeding of vascular grafts with genetically modified endothelial cells: secretion of recombinant TPA results in decreased seeded cell retention in vitro and in vivo. Circulation, 1996,93:1439-1446.
21 Madri JA, Reidy MA, Kocher O, et al. Endothelial cell behavior after denudation injury is modulated by transforming growth factor-beta1 and fibronectin. Lab Invest, 1989,60:755-765.
22 Asahara T, Chen D, Tsurumi Y, et al. Accelerated restitution of endothelial integrity and endothelium-dependent function after phVEGF165 gene transfer. Circulation, 1996,94:3291-3302.
23 White CR, Shelton J, Chen SJ, et al. Estrogen restores endothelial cell function in an experimental model of vascular injury. Circulation, 1997,96:1624-1630.
24 Krasinski K, Spyridopoulos I, Asahara T, et al. Estradiol accelerates functional endothelial recovery after arterial injury. Circulation, 1997,95:1768-1772.
25 Guo JP, Panday MM, Consigny PM, et al. Mechanisms of vascular preservation by a novel NO donor following rat carotid artery intimal injury. Am J Physiol, 1995, 269:H1122-H1131.
26 Di Mario C, Gil R,
蛋白激酶C (PKC)是广泛存在于细胞内的信号传递物质,是内皮细胞增殖所必需的,用12-豆蔻酸-13-乙酸佛波酯直接活化内皮细胞PKC,发现内皮细胞黏附、伸展及移行能力均增强,而用PKC抑制剂则降低了内皮细胞的再生能力,可见PKC激活剂可作为促进重内皮化的一种方法。
1 Friedman RJ, Stemerman MB, Wenz B, et al. The effect of trombocytopenia on experimental arteriosclerotic lesion formation in rabbits: smooth muscle cell proliferation and re-endothelialization. J Clin Invest, 1977, 60:1191-1201.
2 McNamara CA, Sarembock IJ, Gimple LW, et al. Thrombin stimulates proliferation of cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells by a proteolytically activated receptor. J Clin Invest, 1993, 91:94-98.
3 Thompson MM, Budd JS, Eady SL, et al. Platelet deposition after angioplasty is abolished by restoration of the endothelial cell monolayer. J Vasc Surg, 1994, 19:478-486.
4 Bauters C, de Groote P, Adamantidis M, et al. Proto-oncogene expression in rabbit aorta after wall injury: first marker of the cellular process leading to restenosis after angioplasty? Eur Heart J, 1992, 13:556-559.
5 Casscells AW. Migration of smooth muscle and endothelial cells: critical events in restenosis. Circulation, 1992, 86:723-729.
6 Schwartz RS, Holmes DR Jr, Topol EJ. The restenosis paradigm revisited: an alternative proposal for cellular mechanisms. J Am Coll Cardiol, 1992, 20:1284-1293.
7 Haudenschild CC, Schwartz SM. Endothelial regeneration II: restitution of endothelial continuity. Lab Invest, 1979, 41:407-418.
8 Asahara T, Bauters C, Pastore C, et al. Local delivery of vascular endothelial growth factor accelerates reendothelialization and attenuates intimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery. Circulation, 1995,91:2793-2801.
9 Oberhoff M, Novak S, Herdeg C, et al. Local and systemic delivery of low molecular weight heparin stimulates the reendothelialization after balloon angioplasty. Cardiovasc Res, 1998, 38:751-762.
10 Peiro C, Redondo J, Rodriguez-Martinez MA, et al. Influence of endothelium on cultured vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. Hypertension, 1995,25:748-751.
11 Galis ZS, Muszynski M, Sukhova GK, et al. Cytokine-stimulated human vascular smooth muscle cells synthesize a complement of enzymes required for extracellular matrix digestion. Circ Res, 1994,75:181-189.
12 Woessner JF. Matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in connective tissue remodeling. FASEB J, 1991,5:2145-2154.
13 Libby P, Tanaka H. The molecular bases of restenosis. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 1997,40:97-106.
14 Rogers C, Parikh S, Seifert P, et al. Endogenous cell seeding: remnant endothelium after stenting enhances vascular repair. Circulation, 1996,94:2909-2914.
15 Weidinger FF, McLenachan JM, Cybulski MI, et al. Persistent dysfunction of regenerated endothelium after balloon angioplasty of rabbit iliac artery. Circulation, 1990,81:1667-1679.
16 Saroyan RM, Roberts MP, Light JT Jr, et al. Differential recovery of prostacyclin and endothelium-derived relaxing factor after vascular injury. Am J Physiol, 1992,262:H1449-H1457.
17 Wilson JM, Birinyi LK, Salomon RN, et al. Implantation of vascular grafts lined with genetically modified endothelial cells. Science, 1989,244:1344-1346.
18 Conte MS, Birinyi LK, Miyata T, et al. Efficient repopulation of denuded rabbit arteries with autologous genetically modified endothelial cells. Circulation, 1994,89:2161-2169.
19 Consigny PM, Vitali NJ. Resistance of freshly adherent endothelial cells to detachment by shear stress is matrix and time dependent. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 1998,9:479-485.
20 Dunn PF, Newman KD, Jones M, et al. Seeding of vascular grafts with genetically modified endothelial cells: secretion of recombinant TPA results in decreased seeded cell retention in vitro and in vivo. Circulation, 1996,93:1439-1446.
21 Madri JA, Reidy MA, Kocher O, et al. Endothelial cell behavior after denudation injury is modulated by transforming growth factor-beta1 and fibronectin. Lab Invest, 1989,60:755-765.
22 Asahara T, Chen D, Tsurumi Y, et al. Accelerated restitution of endothelial integrity and endothelium-dependent function after phVEGF165 gene transfer. Circulation, 1996,94:3291-3302.
23 White CR, Shelton J, Chen SJ, et al. Estrogen restores endothelial cell function in an experimental model of vascular injury. Circulation, 1997,96:1624-1630.
24 Krasinski K, Spyridopoulos I, Asahara T, et al. Estradiol accelerates functional endothelial recovery after arterial injury. Circulation, 1997,95:1768-1772.
25 Guo JP, Panday MM, Consigny PM, et al. Mechanisms of vascular preservation by a novel NO donor following rat carotid artery intimal injury. Am J Physiol, 1995, 269:H1122-H1131.
26 Di Mario C, Gil R,