作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-13
1 Ashley DL,信捷职称论文写作发表网,Bonin MA, Cardinali FL, et al. Measurement of volatile organic compounds in human blood. Environ Health Perspect,1996 ,104 Suppl 5:871-877.
2 Green T, Odum J, Nash JA ,et al. Perchloroethylene induced rat kidney tumors : an investigation of the mechanism involved and their relevance to humans. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1990, 103:77-89 .
3 Korn M, Gfrorer W, Filser JG, et al. Styrene -7,8-oxide in blood of workers exposed to styrene. Arch Toxicol ,1994, 68:524-527.
4 Nakajima T, Elovaara E,Gonzalez FJ, et al. Characterization of the human cytochrome P450 isozymes responsible for styrene metabolism .IARC Sci Publ ,1993, 101-108.
5 To-Figueras J, Sala M, Otero R, et al. Metabolism of hexachlorobenzene in humans: association between serum levels and urinary metabolites in a highly exposed population. Environ Health Perspect, 1997, 105:78-83.
6 Wallace L, Buckley T, Pellizzari E, et al. Breath measurement as volatile organic compound biomarkers. Environ Health Perspect ,1996 ,104 Suppl 5:861-869.
7 Bechtold WE , Herderson RF. Biomarkers of human exposure to benzene. J Toxicol Environ Health ,1993, 40 :377-386.
8 Ducos P, Gaudin R, Bel J, et al. trans, trans-Muconic acid, a reliable biological indicator for the detection of individual benzene exposure down to the ppm level. Int Arch Occup Environ Health ,1992, 64:309-313.
9 Brugnone F, Gobbi M, Ayyad K, et al. Blood toluene as a biological index of environmental toluene exposure in the “nomal” population and in occupationally exposed workers immediately after exposure and 16 hours later. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 1995, 66:421-425.
10 Tardif R, Lapare S, Plaa GL, et al. Effect of simutaneous exposure to toluene and xylene on their respective biological exposure indices in human. Int Arch Occup Environ Health ,1991, 63:279-284.
11 Tardif R, Plaa GL,Brodeur J. Influence of various mixtures of inhaled toluene and xylene on the biological monitoring of exposure to these solvents in rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1992 :70:385-393.
12 Snyder R , Witz G, Goldstein BD. The toxicology of benzene . Environ Health Perspect ,1993 ,100:293-306.
13 Travis CC ,Quillen JL, Arms AD. Pharmacokinetics of benzene . Toxicol Appl Phamacol ,1990, 102:400-420.
14 Spear RC ,Bois FY, Woodruff T, et al. Modeling benzene pharmacokinetics across three sets of animal data paramettric sensitivity and risk implications. Risk Anal, 1991,11: 641-654.
15 Nise G, Attewell R, Skerfving S, et al. Elimination of toluene from venous blood and adipose tissue after occupational exposure. Bri J Ind Med, 1989,46:407-411.
16 Lindstrom AB, Pleil JD, Berkoff DC, et al. Alveolar breath sampling and analysis to assess trihalomethane exposures during competitive swimming training. Environ Health Perspect,1997 ,105:636-642.
17 Vinegar A, Williams RJ, Fisher JW, et al. Dose-dependent metabolism of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane: a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model in the male Fischer 344 rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1994, 129:103-113.
18 Shyr LJ, Sabourin PJ, Medinsky MA, et al. Physiologically based modeling of 2-butoxyethanol dispositon in rats following different routes of exposure. Environ Res, 1993,63:202-218.
19 Frederick CB, Potter DW, Chang-Mateu MI, et al. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model to describe the oral dosing of rats with ethyl acrylate and its implications for risk assessment. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1992, 114:246-260.
20 Bois FY, Smith MT, Spear RC. Mechenisms of benzene carcinogenesis: application of a physiological model of benzene pharmacokinetics and metabolism. Toxicol Lett, 1991, 56:283-298.
21 Corley RA, Mendrala AL,Smith FA, et al. Development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for chloroform. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 1990, 103:512-527.
22 Johanson G, Filser JG. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for butadiene and its metabolite butadiene monoxide in rat and mouse and its significance for risk extrapolation. Arch Toxicol,1993, 67:151-163.
23 Fisher JW. Estimating the risks of liver and lung cancer in humans exposed to trichloroethylene using a physiological model. Toxicol Lett, 1993,68:127-129.
1 Ashley DL,信捷职称论文写作发表网,Bonin MA, Cardinali FL, et al. Measurement of volatile organic compounds in human blood. Environ Health Perspect,1996 ,104 Suppl 5:871-877.
2 Green T, Odum J, Nash JA ,et al. Perchloroethylene induced rat kidney tumors : an investigation of the mechanism involved and their relevance to humans. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1990, 103:77-89 .
3 Korn M, Gfrorer W, Filser JG, et al. Styrene -7,8-oxide in blood of workers exposed to styrene. Arch Toxicol ,1994, 68:524-527.
4 Nakajima T, Elovaara E,Gonzalez FJ, et al. Characterization of the human cytochrome P450 isozymes responsible for styrene metabolism .IARC Sci Publ ,1993, 101-108.
5 To-Figueras J, Sala M, Otero R, et al. Metabolism of hexachlorobenzene in humans: association between serum levels and urinary metabolites in a highly exposed population. Environ Health Perspect, 1997, 105:78-83.
6 Wallace L, Buckley T, Pellizzari E, et al. Breath measurement as volatile organic compound biomarkers. Environ Health Perspect ,1996 ,104 Suppl 5:861-869.
7 Bechtold WE , Herderson RF. Biomarkers of human exposure to benzene. J Toxicol Environ Health ,1993, 40 :377-386.
8 Ducos P, Gaudin R, Bel J, et al. trans, trans-Muconic acid, a reliable biological indicator for the detection of individual benzene exposure down to the ppm level. Int Arch Occup Environ Health ,1992, 64:309-313.
9 Brugnone F, Gobbi M, Ayyad K, et al. Blood toluene as a biological index of environmental toluene exposure in the “nomal” population and in occupationally exposed workers immediately after exposure and 16 hours later. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 1995, 66:421-425.
10 Tardif R, Lapare S, Plaa GL, et al. Effect of simutaneous exposure to toluene and xylene on their respective biological exposure indices in human. Int Arch Occup Environ Health ,1991, 63:279-284.
11 Tardif R, Plaa GL,Brodeur J. Influence of various mixtures of inhaled toluene and xylene on the biological monitoring of exposure to these solvents in rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1992 :70:385-393.
12 Snyder R , Witz G, Goldstein BD. The toxicology of benzene . Environ Health Perspect ,1993 ,100:293-306.
13 Travis CC ,Quillen JL, Arms AD. Pharmacokinetics of benzene . Toxicol Appl Phamacol ,1990, 102:400-420.
14 Spear RC ,Bois FY, Woodruff T, et al. Modeling benzene pharmacokinetics across three sets of animal data paramettric sensitivity and risk implications. Risk Anal, 1991,11: 641-654.
15 Nise G, Attewell R, Skerfving S, et al. Elimination of toluene from venous blood and adipose tissue after occupational exposure. Bri J Ind Med, 1989,46:407-411.
16 Lindstrom AB, Pleil JD, Berkoff DC, et al. Alveolar breath sampling and analysis to assess trihalomethane exposures during competitive swimming training. Environ Health Perspect,1997 ,105:636-642.
17 Vinegar A, Williams RJ, Fisher JW, et al. Dose-dependent metabolism of 2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane: a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model in the male Fischer 344 rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1994, 129:103-113.
18 Shyr LJ, Sabourin PJ, Medinsky MA, et al. Physiologically based modeling of 2-butoxyethanol dispositon in rats following different routes of exposure. Environ Res, 1993,63:202-218.
19 Frederick CB, Potter DW, Chang-Mateu MI, et al. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model to describe the oral dosing of rats with ethyl acrylate and its implications for risk assessment. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 1992, 114:246-260.
20 Bois FY, Smith MT, Spear RC. Mechenisms of benzene carcinogenesis: application of a physiological model of benzene pharmacokinetics and metabolism. Toxicol Lett, 1991, 56:283-298.
21 Corley RA, Mendrala AL,Smith FA, et al. Development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for chloroform. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol , 1990, 103:512-527.
22 Johanson G, Filser JG. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for butadiene and its metabolite butadiene monoxide in rat and mouse and its significance for risk extrapolation. Arch Toxicol,1993, 67:151-163.
23 Fisher JW. Estimating the risks of liver and lung cancer in humans exposed to trichloroethylene using a physiological model. Toxicol Lett, 1993,68:127-129.