反转录聚合酶链反应对Dukes A、B期大肠癌淋巴结微转移的检测(3)
作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-13
患者采取更积极的治疗方案?是否也应该对检出微转移的Dukes A期患者进行化疗?较早应用RT-PCR技术开展研究的肿瘤如黑色素瘤,通过随访确实认为微转移的发生与肿瘤的复发和患者的预后有关[14]。但对于大肠癌,以上问题还需要大样本的研究和较长时间的随访才能得到答案。
当然,作为一种尚未被广泛应用的方法,RT-PCR法本身也有一定的不足和局限性。由于扩增目标为RNA,因此取材必须是新鲜组织,无法作回顾性研究,且技术要求较高,标本处理必须迅速,抽提和反转录时需预防RNA的降解,整个过程中要严格禁止标本间的交叉污染和基因组DNA的污染以避免假阳性结果的产生。但总的来看,它还是具有以下优点:(1) 只要选择适当的靶RNA和引物,具有很高的敏感性和特异性;(2) RT-PCR能反映标本的整体情况而非局部断面;(3) 操作方法固定易标准化,判断结果容易且准确,人为因素干扰少;(4) 检测时间较短,能在24~48h时内得出结果,同时可检测多个标本。只要具备基本条件的分子生物学实验室均能进行。同时,CK20 RT-PCR法除检测淋巴结外,也能对患者的血液、骨髓和腹膜腔的微转移灶进行检测,它将对临床处理提供更多的指导和参考,具有良好的应用前景。
1 Bresalier RS. Malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. In: M. Feldman,L. S. Friedman,and M. H. Sleisenger,editors. Sleisenger and Fordtran’s gastrointestinal and liver disease. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders,2002,2215-2261.
2 Gusterson B. Are micrometastases clinically relevant? Br J Hosp Med,1992,47(4):247-248.
3 Tsavellas G,Patel H,Allen-Mersh TG. Detection and clinical significance of occult tumour cells in colorectal cancer. Br J Surg,2001,88(10): 1307-1320.
4 Greenson JK,Isenhart CE,Rice R,et al. Identification of occult micrometastases in pericolic lymph nodes of Dukes(B colorectal cancer patients using monoclonal antibodies against cytokeratin and CC49: Correlation with long-term survival. Cancer,1994,73(3): 563-569.
5 Cutait R,Alves VAF,Lopes LC,et al. Restaging of colorectal cancer based on the identification of lymph node micrometastases through immunoperoxidase staining of CEA and cytokeratins. Dis Colon Rectum,1991,34(10): 917-920.
6 Adell G,Boeryd B,Franlund B,et al. Occurrence and prognostic importance of micrometastases in regional lymph nodes in Dukes(B colorectal carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study. Eur J Surg,1996,162(8): 637-642.
7 Hayashi N,Ito I,Yanagisawa A,et al. Genetic diagnosis of lymph-node metastasis in colorectal cancer. Lancet,1995,345(8960): 1257-1259.
8 Moll R,Zimbelmann R,Goldschmidt MD,et al. The human gene encoding cytokeratin 20 and its expression during fetal development and in gastrointestinal carcinomas. Differentiation,1993,53(2): 75-93.
9 Dorudi S,Kinrade E,Marshall NC,et al. Genetic detection of lymph node micrometastases in patients with colorectal cancer. Br J Surg,1998,85(1): 98-100.
10 Gunn J,McCall JL,Yun K,et al. Detection of micrometastases in colorectal cancer patients by K19 and K20 reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Lab Invest,1996,75(4): 611-616.
11 Moll R,Lowe A,Franke WW. Cytokeratin 20 in humun carcinoma. A new histodignostic marker detected by monoclonal antibodies. Am J Pathol,1992,140(2): 427-447.
12 Gerhard M,Juhl H,Kalthoff H,et al. Specific detection of carcinoembryonic antigen-expressing tumor cells in bone marrow aspirates by polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Oncol,1994,12(4):725-729.
13 Nakamori S,Kameyama M,Furukawa H,et al. Genetic detection of colorectal cancer cells in circulation and lymph nodes. Dis Colon Rectum,1997,40(10 suppl): S29-S36.
14 Bostick PJ,Morton DK,Turner RR,et al. Prognostic significance of occult metastases detected by sentinel lymphadenectomy and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in early stage melanoma patients. J Clin Oncol,1999; 17(10): 3238-3244.
当然,作为一种尚未被广泛应用的方法,RT-PCR法本身也有一定的不足和局限性。由于扩增目标为RNA,因此取材必须是新鲜组织,无法作回顾性研究,且技术要求较高,标本处理必须迅速,抽提和反转录时需预防RNA的降解,整个过程中要严格禁止标本间的交叉污染和基因组DNA的污染以避免假阳性结果的产生。但总的来看,它还是具有以下优点:(1) 只要选择适当的靶RNA和引物,具有很高的敏感性和特异性;(2) RT-PCR能反映标本的整体情况而非局部断面;(3) 操作方法固定易标准化,判断结果容易且准确,人为因素干扰少;(4) 检测时间较短,能在24~48h时内得出结果,同时可检测多个标本。只要具备基本条件的分子生物学实验室均能进行。同时,CK20 RT-PCR法除检测淋巴结外,也能对患者的血液、骨髓和腹膜腔的微转移灶进行检测,它将对临床处理提供更多的指导和参考,具有良好的应用前景。
1 Bresalier RS. Malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. In: M. Feldman,L. S. Friedman,and M. H. Sleisenger,editors. Sleisenger and Fordtran’s gastrointestinal and liver disease. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders,2002,2215-2261.
2 Gusterson B. Are micrometastases clinically relevant? Br J Hosp Med,1992,47(4):247-248.
3 Tsavellas G,Patel H,Allen-Mersh TG. Detection and clinical significance of occult tumour cells in colorectal cancer. Br J Surg,2001,88(10): 1307-1320.
4 Greenson JK,Isenhart CE,Rice R,et al. Identification of occult micrometastases in pericolic lymph nodes of Dukes(B colorectal cancer patients using monoclonal antibodies against cytokeratin and CC49: Correlation with long-term survival. Cancer,1994,73(3): 563-569.
5 Cutait R,Alves VAF,Lopes LC,et al. Restaging of colorectal cancer based on the identification of lymph node micrometastases through immunoperoxidase staining of CEA and cytokeratins. Dis Colon Rectum,1991,34(10): 917-920.
6 Adell G,Boeryd B,Franlund B,et al. Occurrence and prognostic importance of micrometastases in regional lymph nodes in Dukes(B colorectal carcinoma: An immunohistochemical study. Eur J Surg,1996,162(8): 637-642.
7 Hayashi N,Ito I,Yanagisawa A,et al. Genetic diagnosis of lymph-node metastasis in colorectal cancer. Lancet,1995,345(8960): 1257-1259.
8 Moll R,Zimbelmann R,Goldschmidt MD,et al. The human gene encoding cytokeratin 20 and its expression during fetal development and in gastrointestinal carcinomas. Differentiation,1993,53(2): 75-93.
9 Dorudi S,Kinrade E,Marshall NC,et al. Genetic detection of lymph node micrometastases in patients with colorectal cancer. Br J Surg,1998,85(1): 98-100.
10 Gunn J,McCall JL,Yun K,et al. Detection of micrometastases in colorectal cancer patients by K19 and K20 reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Lab Invest,1996,75(4): 611-616.
11 Moll R,Lowe A,Franke WW. Cytokeratin 20 in humun carcinoma. A new histodignostic marker detected by monoclonal antibodies. Am J Pathol,1992,140(2): 427-447.
12 Gerhard M,Juhl H,Kalthoff H,et al. Specific detection of carcinoembryonic antigen-expressing tumor cells in bone marrow aspirates by polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Oncol,1994,12(4):725-729.
13 Nakamori S,Kameyama M,Furukawa H,et al. Genetic detection of colorectal cancer cells in circulation and lymph nodes. Dis Colon Rectum,1997,40(10 suppl): S29-S36.
14 Bostick PJ,Morton DK,Turner RR,et al. Prognostic significance of occult metastases detected by sentinel lymphadenectomy and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in early stage melanoma patients. J Clin Oncol,1999; 17(10): 3238-3244.