论文关键词:知识管理 核心竞争力 知识经济 企业文化 人力资源
ABSTRACT :In the era of knowledge-based economy, Knowledge and knowledge management are key factors in establishing core competence, and they are the bases of core competence. Melting the knowledge management into the developments inside of the core competence to go to would make the competition of business enterprise at vehemence the inside obtain the victory, because knowledge management should be viewed that knowledge-based management will bring about new power for the sustainable development of cooperation, so it can improve the core competence. First, this article analyzed and summarized enterprise knowledge management and enterprise core competence, reviewed the literature of enterprise knowledge management and relation of enterprise knowledge management and enterprise core competence at home and abroad. On this basis, analyzed exist the problem of knowledge management in our country enterprises. Secondly, based on other scholars’ achievements, this paper proposed the enterprise knowledge management frame that is composed of four parts, namely, knowledge management in human resource, regulation of organization structure and creation of enterprise culture, construction of infrastructure of knowledge management. Also, this paper discussed the upgrading function of the frame on enterprise core competence. Finally, this papers by means of analyzed and researched knowledge management at home and broad, reviewed the steps and channels about strengthen knowledge and enhance enterprise core competence.
Key words: Knowledge Management, Core Competence, Enterprise Culture, Knowledge-based Economy, Human Resource
第一章 绪 论
随着经济全球化、信息化浪潮的到来,世界经济正在向以知识为基础的经济转移,人类社会已进入一个崭新的经济时代——知识经济时代。人们的生产方式、生活方式、思维方式都发生了巨大的转变,企业所处的环境也随之变化。知识已逐步成为企业成长和收集持续竞争优势的关键性资源,企业的知识管理活动也日益得到学术界与企业界的关注。知识经济是建立在知识和信息的生产、分配和使用之上的经济。在这样一个全新的经济形态下,消费市场多元化和全球化,技术进步突飞猛进,产品生命周期越发缩短,竞争对手日益增加,市场环境呈现出前所未有的复杂性和不确定性,企业的经营和发展不再主要依赖于资本、自然资源和劳动力等传统资源,知识正成为生产力要素中最活跃最重要的部分,是企业收集竞争优势的基础。正如Peter F.Drucker 所言,“知识已经成为关键的经济资源,而且是竞争优势的主导性来源,甚至可能是惟一的来源”[1]。知识经济时代是以知识和信息为基础,以知识总量的急剧增加为特征的。而企业在这个知识更新速度日益加快的时代将面临前所未有的挑战。一方面,从外部环境来看,国际竞争的日趋激烈使企业面临更多的挑战和机遇;另一方面,从企业自身的发展来看,只有对不断变化的环境及时、正确的做出反应,才能掌握竞争主动权。因此,面对挑战,企业必须迎头赶上,相应地调整自己的管理方式以应对环境的变化。