作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-10
家一样去解释过去的文化及其意义——“文化史也是一种文化翻译,即将过去的语言转化为现在的,将当时代人的概念转化为历史学家及其读者们的。其目标就是将过去的‘他性’变得显而易见和易于理解。”[19](P193)他还根据新文化史家的不同研究领域,从文化史家和社会史家两个角度指出了他们接受和运用人类学方法的不同侧重,“对于文化史家而言,人类学的重要价值在于它所发表的大量著作帮助他们第一次注意到并进而去理解过去的‘他性’(other- rless)。……首先,关于其他文化的知识帮助历史学家看到通常被认为是理所当然的事物是存在问题的,是需要加以解释的,因而要摆脱所谓‘身在庐山的盲目’(home blindness);其次,它帮助他们解决文化疏离的问题,通过将之放到一个可比较的语境中来‘捕捉他性’(capture otherness)。对于社会史家来说……它提供了一种对小规模社会共同体进行深入研究的模式”[20](p270)。伯克此处所说的两个方面,其实正是新文化史(或人类学史学)在运用文化人类学理论方法中所取的两个不同的角度——前者借用了人类学对研究对象的态度,把过去看作是可与之进行对话、可对之加以诠释和解读的活生生的世界,从而大大开拓了文化史研究的维度,更新了研究的方法;后者主要借鉴了人类学家田野调查的研究方法,不同的是历史学家进入的是过去的世界,运用的是无声的史料,由此形成的微观史学(micro—history)研究通过历史资料的重新挖掘和整理,运用大量细节的描述和解释,重建起一个微观化的个人、家族或是社区。例如,勒华一拉杜里的《蒙塔尤》关注的是一个历史中的村落,而卡洛·金兹伯格(Carlo Ginzburg)的《乳酪与蠕虫》聚焦的则是一个普通的个人。
[1 ]Lynn Hunt. ’ Introduction: History, Culture, and Text’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[4] E. P. Thompson. The Making of the EngLish Working Class[M]. New York, 1963.
[5]E.P. Thompson. Folklore, Anthropology, and Social History[J]. Indian Historical Review, 1977(2).
[8]Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt, ed. Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999.
[9]Hayden White. Metahistory: The History Imagination in Nine- teenath - Century Europe[ M]. Baltimore, 1973.
[10]Lloyd S. Kramer. ’Literature, Criticism, and Historical Imagi- nation: The Literary Challenge of Hayden White and Dorninick LaCapra’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[11]Patrida O’Brien. ’Michel Foucault’s History of Culture’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[12]Mark Pester. Cultural History and Postmodernism: Disdplinary Readings and Challenges[M]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
[13]Lawrence Stone. ’The Revival of Narrative’[J]. Past and Pre- sent, 1979(85).
[14]Karen Halttunen. ’ Cultural History and the Challenge of Narra- tivity’. Beyond the Cultural Turn : New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. edited by Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press,1999.
[15]Bernard S. Cohn. ’ History and Anthropology: the State of Play’ [J]. Comparative Studies in Society and History,1980(22).
[16]William H. Sewell, Jr. ’The Concept(s) of Culture’. Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. edited by Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999.
[17]Clifford Geertz. The Interpretation of Cultures[M]. New York,1973.
[18]Robert Damton. The Cat Massacre and the other Episodes in French Cultural History[M]. New York, 1985.
[19] Peter Burke. Varieties of Cultural History [M]. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997.
[20]Peter Burke. ’Historians, Anthropologits, and Symbols’. Cul- ture Through Tune: Anthropological Approaches[M]. edited by Erniko Ohnuki- Tiemey. Stan:[ord, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1990.
The Sources and Turn of Cultural History
Abstract: New Cultural History, which has been developed since the late 1970s and early 1980s, is a’main trend in the present Western historiography. It replaced Economic - Social History as the main steam in the history study and writing. The shaping of New Cultural History has three main sources in the theoretical and methodological as- pects, that is, British New Marxist history and French Annale history school, Post-Modernist cultural criticism and Historical Narratism, and Cultural Anthropology. These three sources determined and affected the basic form and direction of New Cultural History.
Key Words:New Cultural History; Western New Marxist history; Annale school; Post-Modernist cultural criti- cism; Historical Narratism; Cultural Anthropology
[1 ]Lynn Hunt. ’ Introduction: History, Culture, and Text’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[4] E. P. Thompson. The Making of the EngLish Working Class[M]. New York, 1963.
[5]E.P. Thompson. Folklore, Anthropology, and Social History[J]. Indian Historical Review, 1977(2).
[8]Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt, ed. Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999.
[9]Hayden White. Metahistory: The History Imagination in Nine- teenath - Century Europe[ M]. Baltimore, 1973.
[10]Lloyd S. Kramer. ’Literature, Criticism, and Historical Imagi- nation: The Literary Challenge of Hayden White and Dorninick LaCapra’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[11]Patrida O’Brien. ’Michel Foucault’s History of Culture’. New Cultural History[M]. edited by Lynn Hunt, Berkeley. Calif. : University of California Press, 1989.
[12]Mark Pester. Cultural History and Postmodernism: Disdplinary Readings and Challenges[M]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.
[13]Lawrence Stone. ’The Revival of Narrative’[J]. Past and Pre- sent, 1979(85).
[14]Karen Halttunen. ’ Cultural History and the Challenge of Narra- tivity’. Beyond the Cultural Turn : New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. edited by Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press,1999.
[15]Bernard S. Cohn. ’ History and Anthropology: the State of Play’ [J]. Comparative Studies in Society and History,1980(22).
[16]William H. Sewell, Jr. ’The Concept(s) of Culture’. Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture[M]. edited by Victoria E. Bonnell & Lynn Hunt. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1999.
[17]Clifford Geertz. The Interpretation of Cultures[M]. New York,1973.
[18]Robert Damton. The Cat Massacre and the other Episodes in French Cultural History[M]. New York, 1985.
[19] Peter Burke. Varieties of Cultural History [M]. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997.
[20]Peter Burke. ’Historians, Anthropologits, and Symbols’. Cul- ture Through Tune: Anthropological Approaches[M]. edited by Erniko Ohnuki- Tiemey. Stan:[ord, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1990.
The Sources and Turn of Cultural History
Abstract: New Cultural History, which has been developed since the late 1970s and early 1980s, is a’main trend in the present Western historiography. It replaced Economic - Social History as the main steam in the history study and writing. The shaping of New Cultural History has three main sources in the theoretical and methodological as- pects, that is, British New Marxist history and French Annale history school, Post-Modernist cultural criticism and Historical Narratism, and Cultural Anthropology. These three sources determined and affected the basic form and direction of New Cultural History.
Key Words:New Cultural History; Western New Marxist history; Annale school; Post-Modernist cultural criti- cism; Historical Narratism; Cultural Anthropology