作者:佚名; 更新时间:2017-09-30

  From Jane’ path of life, we learn that Jane’s life is full of tears, misery and starvation, however she never gives up the determination in struggling against her fate, and maintains her dignity. Through analysis of her characters, we learn that Jane is brave enough to uphold her own independent personality and dignity, although she possesses neither wealth nor physical beauties, which were considered symbols of a women’s social position in her times. On the other hand, Jane suffers from a numbers of individuals who threaten her autonomy; she combats the injustice with great courage, and maintains her principle of justice, freedom, human dignity and morality. Meanwhile, Jane is also a sincere, wit, simple-minded, kind hearted and magnanimous young girl with passion and reason. As for Jane’s love, her marriage is based on equality, respect and honesty. She looks down upon the marriage for money and refuses to be a puppet in the noble family. She truly loves Rochester instead of his wealth and social status.

  The analysis above shows that Jane is different from many other women in the male-dominated society. Her unique character and beautiful soul make her more beautiful than any other beautiful heroine in famous novels. Jane’ great character inspirits not only women but also men and her influences exert beyond her era and across culture. Jane’s beauty enlightens that heart is the engine of body, and brain is the resource of thought, and a great soul is ensemble northern star to guide us in a long journey.


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