作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-12
【论文摘要】 目的 骨科患者术后普遍存在一定程度的疼痛,本文旨在分析术后正确使用镇痛泵,对避免不良反应和减轻患者疼痛的临床观察和护理。方法 应用一次性自控镇痛泵,并妥善固定。镇痛配方:生理盐水100 ml,氟哌利多1 mg+吗啡60 mg+甲氧氯普胺10 mg,给药速度2 ml/h,持续48 h。重点对呼吸和血压的观察,做好心理护理,加强巡视。结果 通过加强对镇痛泵使用的观察和护理,使镇痛泵的使用获得满意的效果。结论 护理人员应了解泵内药物的种类、含量、作用及毒副作用,密切观察患者病情变化,以预防或减少并发症的发生。?
Observation and nursing on orthopaedic patients using patients controlled analgesia after operation
【Abstract】 Objective To avoid side reaction and relieve pain of patients with appropriate use of patient controlled analgesia(PCA)given that orthopaedic patients usually suffer from post-operative pain. Methods Used a disposable self-control PCA and locked it properly.Formula:100 ml 0.9% sodium chloride ,1 mg droperidol ,60 mg morphine ,10 mg metoclopramide with 2 ml per hour flow rate for 48 hours. Focused on observation of breath and blood pressure with appropriate mental nursing and enhanced bedside rounds. Results Satisfactory efficacy was achieved from the use of PCA with appropriate observation and nursing. Conclusion Nursing personnel should acknowledge the types content efficacy and side-effect of PCA medicines regularly observe state of illness of patients to avoid or reduce chances of complication.?
【Key words】 Patients; Patient controlled analgesia; Observation; Nursing
1 临床资料?
1.1 一般资料 选择骨科创伤手术后患者156例,其中男95例,女61例,年龄16~80岁。?
1.2 方法 应用一次性自控镇痛泵,信捷职称论文写作发表网,并妥善固定。镇痛配方:生理盐水100 ml,氟哌利多1 mg+吗啡60 mg+甲氧氯普胺10 mg,给药速度2 ml/h,持续48 h。?
