Surgical treatment for over 80 years old patients with colorectal carcinoma
【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the curative effect and safety of surgical treatment for over 80 years old patients with colorectal carcinoma. Methods:The clinical data in 32 over 80 years old patients with colorectal carcinoma from January 2000 to June 2007 were analysed retrospectively. Results:The misdiagnosis rate was high(52%),most of these patients had the other diseases(62%).The excision rate of tumor was 87%,and the mortality of perioperative period was 3%. Conclusion:The surgical treatment is an ideal way to treat the elderly patients with colorectal carcinoma,the early diagnosis and treatment are the effective methods for the prevention and treatment of complications.It is a critical way with a beneficial effect on the elderly patients with colorectal carcinoma.
【Key words】Colon;Rectal carcinoma;Elderly patient
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料:本组32例中,男18例,女14例,年龄80~94岁,平均84岁,其中结肠癌22例,直肠癌10例。
1.2 临床表现及诊断:大便带血或大便习惯改变26例,急性肠梗阻2例,入院前误诊为习惯性便秘16例,痔疮6例,慢性阑尾炎2例。
1.3 并发病:合并其它疾病20例,主要并发病为高血压7例,心脏病(主要是冠心病,房颤,房室传导阻滞)3例,糖尿病6例,呼吸系统疾病(老慢支,肺气肿)4例。
1.4 治疗:患者均行手术治疗,肿瘤切除率87%。其中肠切除术20例,造口术4例,肿瘤未能切除行肠肠吻合术4例。
1.5 结果:15例患者出现不同程度并发症,占手术患者的48%,包括切口感染8例,切口全层裂开2例,肠瘘1例,肺部感染2例,心功能不全2例,术后1月死亡1例。
2 讨论
2.1 误诊率高:根据我们的总结观察,高龄患者误诊率明显较其它年龄段高,可能与以下几方面原因有关,(1)老年患者起病隐匿,症状不典型,加上老年人对疼痛不敏感,不容易引起注意。(2)老年人大都有慢性便秘病史,有多种伴随疾病,易误诊为伴随疾病的临床表现。(3)老年人及家属由于体弱多病对肠镜检查不易接收也易导致延误病情,所以对老年人突然出现大便习惯改变,腹痛等症状还是要高度重视,及时检查。