【关键词】 惊厥
Influences of age and duration of status convulsivus on cytochrome C release in hippocampus
【Abstract】 AIM: To explore the influences of age and duration of status convulsivus(SC)on intracellular cytochrome C (cytC) release in hippocampus. METHODS: Convulsive seizures for 30 min or 3 h (30 min SC or 3 h SC) were induced in 80 infant (20 d after birth) and 80 adult Wistar rats (IRs & ARs respectively) with lithiumpilocarpine ip. The rats were sacrificed at 6 different time points from the 3 h to 7 d after SC termination. Dynamic change of cytC level in hippocampal cells was investigated by flow cytometry. RESULTS: ① The level of cytC in hippocampal cells increased in the early stage after 30 min SC, and started to decrease 12 h after SC in both IRs and ARs. The peak level was reached 6 h after SC [(32.47±6.28) in IRs and (33.23±8.66) in ARs)]. Both of them were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0.01). ② At the 7th day after 30 min SC, the level of hippocampal intracellular cytC in IRs had decreased to the level of normal controls, while the level in ARs was still higher than that of normal controls (P<0.05). At the 1st, the 3rd, and the 7th day after SC, the levels of hippocampal intracellular cytC in IRs were obviously lower than those in ARs. ③ Compared with the same time point after 30 min SC, the levels of hippocampal intracellular cytC after 3 h SC were much higher in different age groups (P<0.05). Except the effect of the agerelated difference, there was a positive correlation between the duration of SC and hippocampal intracellular cytC content in partial correlation analysis(r=0.66,信捷职称论文写作发表网,P<0.05). CONCLUSION: ① Severe seizure could induce intracellular cytC release in hippocampus. ② Age and duration of SC were important factors influencing intracellular cytC release. ③ The longer the duration of SC was, the higher cytC level was. ④ Compared with ARs, intracellular release of cytC decreased sooner in IRs after SC, which indicated that there could be an internal protective response against brain damage in premature brain.
【Keywords】 convulsivus; cytochrome C; age; hippocampus; rat,Wistar
【摘要】 目的: 探讨年龄和惊厥持续时间对惊厥持续状态(SC)后海马细胞色素C(cytC)释放的影响. 方法:健康成年(ARs)和生后20 d幼龄Wistar鼠(IRs)各80只,经腹腔注射氯化锂匹罗卡品分别诱发持续惊厥发作30 min的SC (30 min SC)和3 h SC,在SC后3 h至7 d的6个不同时点上处死动物,采用流式细胞仪检测海马细胞cytC含量,比较两组间的动态变化. 结果:① 30 min SC后3 h,两组大鼠海马细胞cytC含量均升高,6 h达到高峰,12 h后开始回落. 两组cytC含量峰值分别为32.47±6.28,33.23±8.66,显著高于对照组(P<0.01). ②30 min SC后7 d时,IRs组cytC含量已降至正常,而ARs组仍高于正常对照组(P<0.05). 在SC后1, 3, 7 d, IRs组海马细胞cytC含量均显著低于ARs组. ③3 h SC后3, 6 h,两组海马细胞cytC含量均显著高于30 min SC后的相同观察时点(P<0.05). 经偏相关参数分析,在排除年龄的影响后,不同惊厥持续时间与海马细胞cytC含量呈显著正相关(r=0.66,P<0.05). 结论:①严重惊厥发作可导致海马细胞cytC的释放. ②年龄和惊厥持续时间均是影响惊厥后海马细胞cytC释放的重要因素. ③惊厥持续时间越长,海马细胞cytC释放越明显. ④与成年鼠不同,幼年鼠海马细胞cytC释放启动后不久即迅速回落,提示幼年脑内可能存在一个主动抑制海马细胞cytC释放的保护性反应.
【关键词】 惊厥;细胞色素C;年龄;海马;大鼠,Wistar
国内外的动物实验均证实持续惊厥发作将导致以海马区神经元死亡为主的选择性脑损伤. 我们的前期动物实验提示未成熟期脑对惊厥具有更高的易感性,但可能对惊厥性脑损伤具有相对耐受性, 未成熟期脑内可能存在抑制惊厥后海马神经元凋亡的机制[1]. 进一步在调控细胞凋亡的上游过程探索此年龄差异性,寻找干预细胞死亡的有效环节,对防治惊厥性脑损伤具有重要价值. 鉴于细胞色素C(cytochrome C,cytC)在细胞死亡过程中的关键作用[2],我们以成年Wistar大鼠和生后20 d的幼鼠为研究对象,分析惊厥持续状态(status convulsivus,SC)后年龄和惊厥持续时间对大鼠海马细胞凋亡早期环节(cytC释放)的影响.
1.1材料健康成年和生后20 d的幼年(按不同时期脑发育的组织学特征推算,相当于人类成年期和婴儿期)Wistar大鼠各80只(重庆医科大学实验动物中心提供). 其中各64只参照本组前期实验[3]采用氯化锂―匹罗卡品(lithiumpilocarpine,Sigma公司)诱发SC模型. 在大鼠惊厥发作15 min后,腹腔注射阿托品(上海禾丰制药有限公司)1 mg/kg. 在惊厥发作30 min(30 min SC)和3 h(3 h SC)后,腹腔注射水合氯醛(上海禾丰制药有限公司)300 mg/kg止惊,分别于30 min SC后3,12 h,1,3 ,7 d及3 h SC后3,6 h处死动物. 成年组和幼年组同时设正常对照和实验对照组(腹腔注射阿托品和水合氯醛),每组8只. 动物断头取脑,分离单侧海马用流式细胞仪检测海马细胞cytC含量(FITCcytC抗体及其同型对照购自eBioscience公司).
1.2方法实验鼠于各时点断头取脑,分离单侧海马,4℃ 0.01 mol/L PBS冲洗海马3次,尽量去除附带血管及纤维组织. 将海马组织置于200目筛网上,机械法制备海马细胞单细胞悬液. 用眼科剪尽量剪碎组织,同时用4℃ 0.01 mol/L PBS冲洗,400目筛网过滤2次,滤液2500 r/min离心5 min;沉淀用PBS重悬,调节细胞密度为109/L. 2500 r/min,离心5 min,弃上清后加入40 g/L多聚甲醛1 mL,4℃ 固定30 min. 再离心,沉淀中加入2 g/L皂素1 mL重悬细胞,4℃透膜15 min. 2500 r/min,离心5 min,弃上清后将细胞平均分为两管,分别加入FITCcyt C抗体及其同型对照,抗体浓度维持于0.5 g/109细胞. 4℃避光孵育30 min后,2500 r/min离心5 min,PBS洗2次,上机计数30 000个细胞,流式细胞仪测定488 nm处荧光强度.
统计学处理: 均值用x±s表示. 采用SAS软件, 同一年龄组多个时间点间比较采用方差分析,不同年龄组相同时点间比较采用t检验,两变量间关系采用偏相关分析,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.
2.130 min SC后不同年龄期大鼠海马细胞cytC的含量正常状态下,大鼠海马细胞内存在少量cytC. 在30 min SC发作后,不同年龄期大鼠海马细胞cytC含量均增多,并呈一动态变化过程. SC后3 h,两组大鼠海马细胞cytC含量即开始显著增加,均于SC后6 h达到高峰,分别为32.47±6.28,33.23±8.66,显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01). 随后,幼年组海马细胞cytC含量即迅速回落,SC后7 d已降至正常对照组水平,而成年组则呈缓慢回落趋势,SC后7 d仍高于正常对照组. 除SC后6,12 h外,幼年组海马细胞cytC含量均显著低于成年组(表1),此结果与前期实验SC后两组间海马神经元凋亡发生率的差异存在一致性[4].