【关键词】 爆震伤;伤口愈合;封闭负压引流技术;感染
Effect of vacuumassisted closure on bacteria load and G+ to G- bacteria ratio in pigs infected soft tissue blast injury
【Abstract】 AIM: To observe the effect of vacuumassisted closure (VAC) on the bacteria load and the ratio of G+ bacteria to G- bacteria in pigs infected soft tissue blast injury. METHODS: Sixteen blast wounds,created by explosion of a specific type of electric detonators which were fixed at 1 cm over the skin of the shoulders and hips of 4 small white domestic pigs (15-20) kg, were divided into 2 groups: the control group treated with conventional dressing change, and the experimental group treated with VAC at -15 kPa. All wounds were left untreated until the 3rd day after explosion and subsequently were infected. Tissue specimens, collected from the wounds before treatment and at different time points (1, 3, 6, 9, 14, and 19 d) after treatment, were weighed and homogenized, and each specimens homogenate, after diluted, was plated on blood agar and incubated at 37℃ for 24 h. After the number of bacterial colonies was counted, 200 out of the bacterial colonies of each specimen were processed for conventional Gramstaining and the rate of grampositive bacteria was calculated. RESULTS: Before treatment, the wound bacteria load of the 2 groups was up to about 3×107 cfu/g; it decreased to (1.91±0.245) ×105 cfu/g at day 3 after treatment in experimental group, and to (0.51±0.120) ×105 cfu/g at day 6; it decreased more slowly in control group to (19.54±3.67) ×105 cfu/g at day 9 after treatment and to (3.26±0.83) ×105 cfu/g at day 19 after treatment. Meanwhile, the rate of Grampositive bacteria was about 31%-36% of total bacteria in all wounds before treatment; that of experimental group increased to (55.58±2.98)% at day 6 after treatment and maintained at a high level thereafter; that of control group fluctuated between 30% and 40% from 1 to 19 d after injury. Compared with control group, experimental group had less bacteria and higher rate of grampositive bacteria (P<0.01) from 1 to 19 d after treatment. CONCLUSION: VAC can significantly decrease the bacteria load and the rate of Gramnegative bacteria in pigs infected soft tissue blast injury.
【Keywords】 blast injuries; wound healing; vacuumassisted closure (VAC); infection
【摘要】 目的: 观察封闭负压引流技术(VAC)对猪皮肤软组织爆炸伤感染创面细菌数和G+/G-比例的影响,为将该技术应用于爆炸伤的临床治疗提供实验依据. 方法: 用电雷管在4只15~20 kg的小白家猪双侧肩胛及双侧臀部造成16个爆炸伤创面,随机分为对照组和治疗组. 两组创面伤后前2 d不做任何治疗,以造成创面感染. 伤后3 d,对照组常规换药,治疗组采用-15 kPa负压的VAC治疗. 于治疗前和治疗后1, 3, 6, 9, 14和19 d取创面活组织,匀浆后将匀浆液倍比稀释,在血琼脂糖平板上37℃孵育24 h,进行细菌计数,并对每份标本的200个菌落进行革兰氏染色,计算革兰氏阳性菌的比例. 结果: 治疗前创面中的细菌数高达107, VAC治疗后3 d,治疗组细菌数迅速下降到(1.91±0.245)×105 cfu/g,治疗后6 d降至(0.51±0.120)×105 cfu/g. 对照组创面内的细菌数下降缓慢,在治疗后9 d降至(19.54±3.67)×10 5 cfu/g;治疗后19 d仍高达(3.26±0.83 )×105 cfu/g,治疗后1~19 d,治疗组创面内的细菌数比对照组明显减少(P<0.01). 治疗前两组创面革兰氏阳性(G+)细菌比例在31%~36%之间; 治疗后治疗组创面革兰氏阳性细菌比例逐渐增高,6 d增至(55.58±2.98)%,其后维持在较高水平;对照组中G+细菌的比例在治疗后1~19 d始终维持在30%~40%,明显较治疗组低(P<0.01). 结论: 与对照组相比, VAC能有效地减少猪皮肤软组织爆炸伤感染创面的细菌数,且能降低创面内革兰氏阴性细菌的比例.
【关键词】 爆震伤;伤口愈合;封闭负压引流技术;感染
爆炸伤的感染率高,主要与软组织损伤重,污染重,异物存留多以及伤员常不能及时后送有关[1-2]. 此外与战时医院空间的限制和医护人员相对不足,卫生材料供应受限也有一定关系. 封闭负压引流技术(vacuumassisted closure, VAC)是一种创面治疗的新技术,它具有很强的预防和控制感染的能力[3]. 本实验探讨其控制爆炸伤创面感染的能力,并观察VAC对感染创面内G+/G-比例的影响.
1.1材料15~20 kg的小白家猪4只,雌雄各半. 在每只动物的双侧肩胛部和双髂前上棘后侧2厘米各造成1个爆炸伤创面,共16个创面. 致伤后前2 d内伤口不做任何处理,动物放入露天动物饲养圈中. 伤后第3 d,将所有动物固定到自制四孔板上,所有伤口简单清创: 剪掉坏死组织,按双氧水、生理盐水的顺序冲洗创面2次. 将16个爆炸伤创面编号后随机分为2组: ① 对照组: 每次换药均对伤口进行清创,双氧水、生理盐水、1 ml/L新洁尔灭冲洗创面两次,单层油纱覆盖创面,5-6层无菌纱布覆盖伤口;每日换药1次,伤后17 d起每2 d换药一次;② 治疗组:用-15 kPa的 VAC治疗,根据取材时间1~5 d换药1次.
1.2.1VAC治疗方法① 材料和设备: VAC专用敷料(包括多孔海绵、引流管和医用贴膜)、负压引流瓶(北京兴化仪器厂生产)和负压泵(YB.DX30/0.093型可调式电动吸引器,天津医疗器械二厂生产). ② 换药步骤: 清洁创面,修去坏死组织;按创面形状剪裁海绵;将剪有3个侧孔的塑料引流管的一端插入海绵,另一端在用贴膜将海绵固定到创面上之后接引流瓶和负压泵;调节负压为-15 kPa,持续吸引.
1.2.2猪皮肤软组织爆炸伤动物模型的制作用西安213所研制的Ф12型电雷管置于距猪双侧肩胛部和臀部皮肤1.0 cm的位置引爆致伤,造成严重程度较一致的皮肤软组织爆炸伤.
1.2.3细菌计数分别于治疗前及治疗后1, 3, 6, 9, 14和19 d,取创面中心的活组织称重后加入99倍重量的无菌生理盐水,信捷职称论文写作发表网,玻璃匀浆器中匀浆. 将匀浆液按10倍比稀释(10×, 100×, 1000×…). 取100 μL稀释液接种到10 cm的血琼脂糖平板上,37℃孵育24 h. 计数平板上的细菌菌落数. 每克组织内的细菌数=菌落数×103×稀释倍数.
1.2.4革兰氏阳性细菌的比例在培养板背面用记号笔将培养板划分为4个象限,每个象限任选50个菌落. 用接种环无菌取选中的细菌菌落,在一滴无菌生理盐水中稀释后,将50个菌落的稀释液用无菌接种环点到一块无菌载玻片上,菌落间间隔约1.5 mm. 晾干后,酒精灯火焰固定3次,常规革兰氏染色. 染色后,在油镜下观察染色结果,计算革兰氏染色阳性细菌和革兰氏染色阴性细菌的菌落数,将4个象限的革兰氏染色阳性细菌菌落数相加,除以200既得革兰氏染色阳性细菌的比例.
统计学方法: 每克组织内的细菌数和革兰氏染色阳性细菌的比例均用x±s表示. 采用SPSS11.0统计软件,对每个时间点数据进行独立样本t检验并进行Bonferroni校正,设α=0.01.