作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-13
〔19〕 于宝成,王成章,潘志刚.脑血管危险因素与老年人轻度认知功能障碍[J].国外医学:脑血管疾病分册,2002,10(5):348-349.
〔20〕 翟金国,赵丽,于兰.正常老年人轻度认知功能损害及相关因素研究[J].中国神经精神疾病杂志,2004,30(3):237-238.
〔21〕 Tervo S,Kivipelto M,Hanninen T,et al.Incidence and risk factors for mild cognitive impairment: a population-based three-year follow-up study of cognitively healthy elderly subjects[J].Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord,2004,17(3):196-203.
〔22〕 Cervilla JA,Prince M,Mann A.Smoking,drinking,and incident cognitive impairment:a cohort community based study included in the Gospel Oak Project [J].Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2000,68:622-626.
〔23〕 刘向红,汤哲,孟琛,等.吸烟对老年人认知功能影响的研究-“北京市老龄化多维纵向研究”基线调查分析[J].中国老年学杂志,2002,22:163-165.
〔24〕 Carmell D,Swan GE,Reed T,et al.The effect of apoliporotein E 4 in the relationships of smoking and drinking to cognitive function[J].Neuroepidemiol,1999,18:125-133.
〔25〕 Anttila T,Helkala EL,Viitanen M,et al.Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age:a prospective population based study[J].Br Med J (Clin Res),2004,329:539-544.
〔26〕 Giuseppe Z,Graziano O,Claudio P,et al.Dose-related impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive function in advanced age:results of a multicenter survey[J].Alcohol Clin Exp Res,2001,25(12):1743-1748.
〔27〕 Van Exel E,Craen AJ,Gussekloo J,et al.Association between high-density lipoprotein and cognitive impairment in the oldest old[J].Ann Neurol,2002,51(6):716-721.
〔28〕 苗茂华,曲成毅,任艳峰.社区老年人血脂水平与认知功能相关性研究[J].中华医学健康杂志,2005,19(3):210.
〔29〕 Yaffe K,Blackwell T,Kanaya AM,et al.Diabetes,impaired fasting flucose,and development of cognitive impairment in older women[J].Neurology,2004,63:658-663.
〔30〕 王荫华,陈晓红,汤哲,等.轻度认知功能障碍的神经心理学研究和APOE基因多态性分析[J].中国康复理论与实践,2005,11(3):202-205.
〔31〕 Lahiri DK,Sambamurti K,Bennett DA.Apolipoprotein gene and its interaction with the environmentally driven risk factors:molecular,genetic and epidemiological studies of Alzheimer's disease[J].Neurobiol Aging,2004,25(5):651-660.
〔19〕 于宝成,王成章,潘志刚.脑血管危险因素与老年人轻度认知功能障碍[J].国外医学:脑血管疾病分册,2002,10(5):348-349.
〔20〕 翟金国,赵丽,于兰.正常老年人轻度认知功能损害及相关因素研究[J].中国神经精神疾病杂志,2004,30(3):237-238.
〔21〕 Tervo S,Kivipelto M,Hanninen T,et al.Incidence and risk factors for mild cognitive impairment: a population-based three-year follow-up study of cognitively healthy elderly subjects[J].Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord,2004,17(3):196-203.
〔22〕 Cervilla JA,Prince M,Mann A.Smoking,drinking,and incident cognitive impairment:a cohort community based study included in the Gospel Oak Project [J].Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry,2000,68:622-626.
〔23〕 刘向红,汤哲,孟琛,等.吸烟对老年人认知功能影响的研究-“北京市老龄化多维纵向研究”基线调查分析[J].中国老年学杂志,2002,22:163-165.
〔24〕 Carmell D,Swan GE,Reed T,et al.The effect of apoliporotein E 4 in the relationships of smoking and drinking to cognitive function[J].Neuroepidemiol,1999,18:125-133.
〔25〕 Anttila T,Helkala EL,Viitanen M,et al.Alcohol drinking in middle age and subsequent risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in old age:a prospective population based study[J].Br Med J (Clin Res),2004,329:539-544.
〔26〕 Giuseppe Z,Graziano O,Claudio P,et al.Dose-related impact of alcohol consumption on cognitive function in advanced age:results of a multicenter survey[J].Alcohol Clin Exp Res,2001,25(12):1743-1748.
〔27〕 Van Exel E,Craen AJ,Gussekloo J,et al.Association between high-density lipoprotein and cognitive impairment in the oldest old[J].Ann Neurol,2002,51(6):716-721.
〔28〕 苗茂华,曲成毅,任艳峰.社区老年人血脂水平与认知功能相关性研究[J].中华医学健康杂志,2005,19(3):210.
〔29〕 Yaffe K,Blackwell T,Kanaya AM,et al.Diabetes,impaired fasting flucose,and development of cognitive impairment in older women[J].Neurology,2004,63:658-663.
〔30〕 王荫华,陈晓红,汤哲,等.轻度认知功能障碍的神经心理学研究和APOE基因多态性分析[J].中国康复理论与实践,2005,11(3):202-205.
〔31〕 Lahiri DK,Sambamurti K,Bennett DA.Apolipoprotein gene and its interaction with the environmentally driven risk factors:molecular,genetic and epidemiological studies of Alzheimer's disease[J].Neurobiol Aging,2004,25(5):651-660.