作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-05
如果人类的肉身被现代科学所改造,他的灵性是否还在选择上帝,或是在可观的生命科学技术发展的今天,人类就在地上建立上帝的天国,这个后基督时代,如何获得上帝的应许。对此莫尔特曼 伸延了布洛赫 希望哲学,把未来作为超越性的现代范式,回答康德“我希望什么”,从而针对世俗生活建构希望神学。希望的逻辑结构特点是对既定的现实发出挑战,同时预料和创造一个新的历史,科学的进步产生了关于开放的未来的一系列新观念,基督教应适应世俗文化的漂变,靠新的神学彻底摆脱传统的束缚。希望神学的伦理学可以成为生命神学的理论来源之一,首先应促使人类应积极地进入社会,参与社会变革;其次,如何从上帝的概念引申出关于人性的悲惨命运;最后,是教诲人如何朝着灵恩和圣灵的经验迈进 。复活、十字架与灵恩是我们全部的希望;面对人的肉身的死亡和世界之末日,必须重建新的王国,人类的明天更加光明。末世主义给了基督教以最大的机遇,上帝之国就在人间,就由人类来把握。莫尔特曼认为,旧约的出埃及记和新约的复活,都是应许,应许原则是基督教最后的原则。爱是一个永恒,应许是一个现实;没有应许就没有人类的一切可能的行动;应许成为我们的具体生存实践。生命伦理学是以应许原则作为“应该”的,没有应许就没有我们希望的伦理。希望指向死者的复活、永恒的生命、爱和正义的实现。
Theory preparative of contemporary Protestantism theology for bioethics foundation
The main stream of present Protestantism theology are reform and multivariate, self-examination and suit. Pay attention to present world, earthliness life and the survival state of present person, science and technology, and the subject transit from the god to human, all of them have become the important trend in theology circle, and pregnant with a larger post-modern theology ideological innovation sport. Traditional theology lose its power quietly, theologists who resist scientific worldview already retreat gradually or change viewpoint, revive and becomes the holy are the common pursue of theology and science. Many theologists who believed in apocalypse have been accepted the truth about universal origin that natural science offers. Theology becomes a kind of coupling manner of science and salvation, modern science offers the most brilliant duplicate to practice theology; Medical science and biology that has close relation with the theology have accepted this strong influence first. The pioneers of bioethics regard this background as the hotbed of bioethics, bioethics also can use new theory of morals theology to know the new technology of Life Science and new medical behavior; At the same time, the theology research that use the kernel of theology to analyse and appraise survival state of person , the behavior of life science, health economic policy, patient right and doctor duty as well as ecological problem has become a matting of independent and rising subject Biotheology emerges as the times require as the new faction of Protestantism theology.
如果人类的肉身被现代科学所改造,他的灵性是否还在选择上帝,或是在可观的生命科学技术发展的今天,人类就在地上建立上帝的天国,这个后基督时代,如何获得上帝的应许。对此莫尔特曼 伸延了布洛赫 希望哲学,把未来作为超越性的现代范式,回答康德“我希望什么”,从而针对世俗生活建构希望神学。希望的逻辑结构特点是对既定的现实发出挑战,同时预料和创造一个新的历史,科学的进步产生了关于开放的未来的一系列新观念,基督教应适应世俗文化的漂变,靠新的神学彻底摆脱传统的束缚。希望神学的伦理学可以成为生命神学的理论来源之一,首先应促使人类应积极地进入社会,参与社会变革;其次,如何从上帝的概念引申出关于人性的悲惨命运;最后,是教诲人如何朝着灵恩和圣灵的经验迈进 。复活、十字架与灵恩是我们全部的希望;面对人的肉身的死亡和世界之末日,必须重建新的王国,人类的明天更加光明。末世主义给了基督教以最大的机遇,上帝之国就在人间,就由人类来把握。莫尔特曼认为,旧约的出埃及记和新约的复活,都是应许,应许原则是基督教最后的原则。爱是一个永恒,应许是一个现实;没有应许就没有人类的一切可能的行动;应许成为我们的具体生存实践。生命伦理学是以应许原则作为“应该”的,没有应许就没有我们希望的伦理。希望指向死者的复活、永恒的生命、爱和正义的实现。
Theory preparative of contemporary Protestantism theology for bioethics foundation
The main stream of present Protestantism theology are reform and multivariate, self-examination and suit. Pay attention to present world, earthliness life and the survival state of present person, science and technology, and the subject transit from the god to human, all of them have become the important trend in theology circle, and pregnant with a larger post-modern theology ideological innovation sport. Traditional theology lose its power quietly, theologists who resist scientific worldview already retreat gradually or change viewpoint, revive and becomes the holy are the common pursue of theology and science. Many theologists who believed in apocalypse have been accepted the truth about universal origin that natural science offers. Theology becomes a kind of coupling manner of science and salvation, modern science offers the most brilliant duplicate to practice theology; Medical science and biology that has close relation with the theology have accepted this strong influence first. The pioneers of bioethics regard this background as the hotbed of bioethics, bioethics also can use new theory of morals theology to know the new technology of Life Science and new medical behavior; At the same time, the theology research that use the kernel of theology to analyse and appraise survival state of person , the behavior of life science, health economic policy, patient right and doctor duty as well as ecological problem has become a matting of independent and rising subject Biotheology emerges as the times require as the new faction of Protestantism theology.