作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-05


%           Chrom    - A matrix containing the random valued chromosomes

%                      row wise.


%           Lind -  A scalar containing the length of the chromosome.


%           BaseV     - A row vector containing the base of the

%                     chromosome loci.

% Author: Andrew Chipperfield

% Date:   19-Jan-94

function [Chrom, Lind, BaseV] = crtbp(Nind, Lind, Base)

nargs = nargin ;

% Check parameter consistency

if nargs >= 1, [mN, nN] = size(Nind) ; end

if nargs >= 2, [mL, nL] = size(Lind) ; end

if nargs == 3, [mB, nB] = size(Base) ; end

if nN == 2

   if (nargs == 1)

      Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ; BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ;

   elseif (nargs == 2 & nL == 1)

      BaseV = crtbase(Nind(2),Lind) ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ;

   elseif (nargs == 2 & nL > 1)

      if Lind ~= length(Lind), error('Lind and Base disagree'); end

      BaseV = Lind ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ;


elseif nN == 1

   if nargs == 2

      if nL == 1, BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ;

      else, BaseV = Lind ; Lind = nL ; end

   elseif nargs == 3

      if nB == 1, BaseV = crtbase(Lind,Base) ;

      elseif nB ~= Lind, error('Lind and Base disagree') ;

      else BaseV = Base ; end



   error('Input parameters inconsistent') ;


% Create a structure of random chromosomes in row wise order, dimensions

% Nind by Lind. The base of each chromosomes loci is given by the value

% of the corresponding element of the row vector base.

Chrom = floor(rand(Nind,Lind).*BaseV(ones(Nind,1),:)) ;

% End of file

附录 三

Bs2rv函数源代码:  (由谢菲尔德大学Andrew Chipperfield编写)

% BS2RV.m - Binary string to real vector


% This function decodes binary chromosomes into vectors of reals. The

% chromosomes are seen as the concatenation of binary strings of given

% length, and decoded into real numbers in a specified interval using

% either standard binary or Gray decoding.


% Syntax:       Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)


% Input parameters:


%               Chrom    - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the current

%                          population. Each line corresponds to one

%                          individual's concatenated binary string

%                     representation. Leftmost bits are MSb and

%                     rightmost are LSb.


%               FieldD   - Matrix describing the length and how to decode

%                     each substring in the chromosome. It has the

%                     following structure:


%                         [len;        (num)

%                         lb;         (num)

%                         ub;        (num)

%                         code;            (0=binary     | 1=gray)

%                         scale;           (0=arithmetic | 1=logarithmic)

%                         lbin;             (0=excluded   | 1=included)

%                         ubin];           (0=excluded   | 1=included)


%                     where

%                         len   - row vector containing the length of

%                                each substring in Chrom. sum(len)

%                                should equal the individual length.

%                         lb,

%                         ub    - Lower and upper bounds for each

%                                variable.

%                         code  - binary row vector indicating how each

%                                substring is to be decoded.

%                         scale - binary row vector indicating where to

%                                use arithmetic and/or logarithmic

%                                scaling.

%                         lbin,

%                         ubin  - binary row vectors indicating whether

%                                or not to include each bound in the

%                                representation range


% Output parameter:


%               Phen     - Real matrix containing the population phenotypes.


% Author: Carlos Fonseca,   Updated: Andrew Chipperfield

% Date: 08/06/93,         Date: 26-Jan-94

function Phen = bs2rv(Chrom,FieldD)

% Identify the population size (Nind)

%      and the chromosome length (Lind)

[Nind,Lind] = size(Chrom);

% Identify the number of decision variables (Nvar)

[seven,Nvar] = size(FieldD);

if seven ~= 7

       error('FieldD must have 7 rows.');


% Get substring properties

len = FieldD(1,:);

lb = FieldD(2,:);

ub = FieldD(3,:);

code = ~(~FieldD(4,:));

scale = ~(~FieldD(5,:));

lin = ~(~FieldD(6,:));

uin = ~(~FieldD(7,:));

% Check substring properties for consistency

if sum(len) ~= Lind,

       error('Data in FieldD must agree with chromosome length');


if ~all(lb(scale).*ub(scale)>0)

       error('Log-scaled variables must not include 0 in their range');


% Decode chromosomes

Phen = zeros(Nind,Nvar);

lf = cumsum(len);

li = cumsum([1 len]);

Prec = .5 .^ len;

logsgn = sign(lb

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