作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-05

lb(scale) = log( abs(lb(scale)) );

ub(scale) = log( abs(ub(scale)) );

delta = ub - lb;

Prec = .5 .^ len;

num = (~lin) .* Prec;

den = (lin + uin - 1) .* Prec;

for i = 1:Nvar,

    idx = li(i):lf(i);

    if code(i) % Gray decoding



    Phen(:,i) = Chrom(:,idx) * [ (.5).^(1:len(i))' ];

    Phen(:,i) = lb(i) + delta(i) * (Phen(:,i) + num(i)) ./ (1 - den(i));


expand = ones(Nind,1);

if any(scale)

       Phen(:,scale) = logsgn(expand,:) .* exp(Phen(:,scale));


附录 四


function f=target(T,M)                     %适应度函数,T为待处理图像,M为域值序列

[U, V]=size(T);

W=, , length(M);


for k=1:W

    I=0;s1=0;J=0;s2=0;                     %统计目标图像和背景图像的像素数及像素之和

    for i=1:U

        for j=1:V

            if T(i,j)<=M(k)



            if T(i,j)>M(k)





    if I==0,  p1=0;  else p1=s1/I; end

    if J==0,  p2=0;  else p2=s2/J; end



附录 五

选择函数Select源代码:(由谢菲尔德大学Hartmut Pohlheim编写)

% SELECT.M          (universal SELECTion)


% This function performs universal selection. The function handles

% multiple populations and calls the low level selection function

% for the actual selection process.


% Syntax:  SelCh = select(SEL_F, Chrom, FitnV, GGAP, SUBPOP)


% Input parameters:

%    SEL_F     - Name of the selection function

%    Chrom     - Matrix containing the individuals (parents) of the current

%                population. Each row corresponds to one individual.

%    FitnV     - Column vector containing the fitness values of the

%                individuals in the population.

%    GGAP      - (optional) Rate of individuals to be selected

%                if omitted 1.0 is assumed

%    SUBPOP    - (optional) Number of subpopulations

%                if omitted 1 subpopulation is assumed


% Output parameters:

%    SelCh     - Matrix containing the selected individuals.

% Author:     Hartmut Pohlheim

% History:    10.03.94     file created

function SelCh = select(SEL_F, Chrom, FitnV, GGAP, SUBPOP);

% Check parameter consistency

   if nargin < 3, error('Not enough input parameter'); end

   % Identify the population size (Nind)

   [NindCh,Nvar] = size(Chrom);

   [NindF,VarF] = size(FitnV);

   if NindCh ~= NindF, error('Chrom and FitnV disagree'); end

   if VarF ~= 1, error('FitnV must be a column vector'); end

   if nargin < 5, SUBPOP = 1; end

   if nargin > 4,

      if isempty(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1;

      elseif isnan(SUBPOP), SUBPOP = 1;

      elseif length(SUBPOP) ~= 1, error('SUBPOP must be a scalar'); end


   if (NindCh/SUBPOP) ~= fix(NindCh/SUBPOP), error('Chrom and SUBPOP disagree'); end

   Nind = NindCh/SUBPOP;  % Compute number of individuals per subpopulation

   if nargin < 4, GGAP = 1; end

   if nargin > 3,

      if isempty(GGAP), GGAP = 1;

      elseif isnan(GGAP), GGAP = 1;

      elseif length(GGAP) ~= 1, error('GGAP must be a scalar');

      elseif (GGAP < 0), error('GGAP must be a scalar bigger than 0'); end


% Compute number of new individuals (to select)


% Select individuals from population

   SelCh = [];

   for irun = 1:SUBPOP,

      FitnVSub = FitnV((irun-1)*Nind+1:irun*Nind);

      ChrIx=feval(SEL_F, FitnVSub, NSel)+(irun-1)*Nind;

      SelCh=[SelCh; Chrom(ChrIx,:)];



% End of function

附录 六

交叉函数recombin的源代码:(由谢菲尔德大学Hartmut Pohlheim编写)

% RECOMBIN.M       (RECOMBINation high-level function)


% This function performs recombination between pairs of individuals

% and returns the new individuals after mating. The function handles

% multiple populations and calls the low-level recombination function

% for the actual recombination process.


% Syntax:  NewChrom = recombin(REC_F, OldChrom, RecOpt, SUBPOP)


% Input parameters:

%    REC_F     - String containing the name of the recombination or

%                crossover function

%    Chrom     - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the old

%                population. Each line corresponds to one individual

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