作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-10
7 亨廷顿:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,周琪等译,新华出版社,1999年,第372页。
8 Eric Cheyefitz,The Poetics of Imperialism, Oxford University Press,1991,p.4.
9 Steve Bruce,The New Age and Secularisation ,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, ed., Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman, Edinburgh University Press, 2000, p.227.
10 Ellie Hedges and James A.Beckford, Holsm, Healing and the New Age, Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, pp.169-187.
11 Jhon A. Saliba, Christian Responses to the New Age Movement, London: Geoffrey Chapman,1999, p..27.
12 F. Capra, The Turning Point: Science, Sociology ,and the Rising Culture,London:Flamingo,1983.
13 詹姆斯·莱德菲尔德:《塞莱斯廷预言》,张建民 唐建清译,昆仑出版社1997。
14 参看卡斯塔尼达:《前往伊斯特兰的旅程》,中译本,鲁宓译,内蒙古人民出版社,1997年,第7页。
15 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,三联书店,1999年,第324页。
16 Paul Heelas,Expressive Spirituality and Humanistic Expressivism: Sources of Significance Beyond Church and Chapel , Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, ed., Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman, Edinburgh University Press, 2000, pp.237-242.
17 Richard Herne, Magick, Shamanism & Taoism: The I Ching in Ritual and Meditation, Llowellyn Publications,St.Paul,2001.
7 亨廷顿:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,周琪等译,新华出版社,1999年,第372页。
8 Eric Cheyefitz,The Poetics of Imperialism, Oxford University Press,1991,p.4.
9 Steve Bruce,The New Age and Secularisation ,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, ed., Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman, Edinburgh University Press, 2000, p.227.
10 Ellie Hedges and James A.Beckford, Holsm, Healing and the New Age, Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, pp.169-187.
11 Jhon A. Saliba, Christian Responses to the New Age Movement, London: Geoffrey Chapman,1999, p..27.
12 F. Capra, The Turning Point: Science, Sociology ,and the Rising Culture,London:Flamingo,1983.
13 詹姆斯·莱德菲尔德:《塞莱斯廷预言》,张建民 唐建清译,昆仑出版社1997。
14 参看卡斯塔尼达:《前往伊斯特兰的旅程》,中译本,鲁宓译,内蒙古人民出版社,1997年,第7页。
15 萨义德:《东方学》,王宇根译,三联书店,1999年,第324页。
16 Paul Heelas,Expressive Spirituality and Humanistic Expressivism: Sources of Significance Beyond Church and Chapel , Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, ed., Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman, Edinburgh University Press, 2000, pp.237-242.
17 Richard Herne, Magick, Shamanism & Taoism: The I Ching in Ritual and Meditation, Llowellyn Publications,St.Paul,2001.