(1) (美) 爱德华· W ·赛义德, 《东方学》, 王宇根 译,北京: 三联书店,1999。
(2) Rolf J. Coebel, Constructing China: Kafka’s Orientalist Discourse, Columbia: Camden House,Inc., 1997
(3) Stuart Hall, Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, London: Sage Publications, 1997.
Myth of "the Great Wall of China": An analysis of Kafka’s Sinologist Discourse
Abstract: The strategy of criticism is to discover the dynamic relations of individual text and its discursive formation. The short story by Kafka represents the myth of " The Great Wall of China" in the discourse of "Sinologism". An analysis of it can show its poetic and Sinologist process to construct the images of China as a cultural other.
keywords:Absurdist story, Cultural symbol, Orientalism, Characteristics of China