【关键词】 生存质量 中晚期胃癌 疗效 中医 中西医结合 西医
The therapeutic effect comparison of different methods to treatlate carcinoma by evaluation of patient life quality
【Abstract】 Objective To plait combination of TCM and western medicine QOL table and evaluation the effect of late phase carcinoma of stomach patient of QOL by this table.To plait the table to evaluation the effect of three methods antitumor by improving the QOL.
Methods (1)First time to plait the combination of TCM and western medicine.QOL table Basing on the literature of interal and extra country about the measuring scale,revising and consurnmating step by step,plait the table with the Chinese medical science peculiarity,(2)Applying the table firstly comparised the effect of various kinds methods improving the patient’s QOL.The 478 patients was choosed,among them 204 patients were offered by chemotherapy.110 atients was offered combination of TCM and western medicine.114 patients offered the traditional Chinese medicine.All the patients filled in a form at pretreatment and post-treatment partly,based on the difference of QOL between the pretreatment and post-treatment,assembling analysing.Comparising the effect of various kinds methods rising stomach cancer QOL.Results (1)Statistics check’s rudiment result makes clear that the table can be applied in clinical.(2)The traditional Chinese medicine’s population effect is the best,improving rate is the highest and the deterioration rate is the lowest,next is the combination of TCM and western medicine, chemotherapy population effect is the worst.Conclusion (1)The table is applied in clinic very well and can fully evaluate the post-treatment QOL of tumor patiens so that it applies the post-treatment effect that TCM’s anti-tumor’s effect is very significant;QOL rise largely and existence phase is long,but chemotherapy’s effect is the worst,QOL isn’t improved significantly.The key point of the effect of combination of TCM and western medicine is the excerpt of therapy measure in stationary phase,when chemotherapy conjugates with TCM rightly,which will has synergistic action.On the contrary,that’s will accelerate deterioration,existence phase is short,but the TCM bundle is on the contrary,after the stationary phase,it will trend to improve,the combination of TCM and western medicine is middle.
【Key words】 table of life quality carcinoma of stomach TCM combination of TCM and western medicine
1 量表的编制及应用
1.1 量表的编制与执行方法 见表1。
1.2 病例资料 选取1999~2003年本院肿瘤科及中医科病房和门诊的病人及地区中心医院中医肿瘤科的病人。入院前均经胃镜取活检及病史证实胃癌的患者576例。其中因失访(联系地址不详、错误等),拒绝再次随访等损失98例,实际完成最终调查的患者478例(其中化疗组204例,中西医结合组110例,中药组114例,地区中心医院共收集病例50例)。所有患者均进行2次以上测量,取平均值,量表执行均为患者本人或患者家属口述,医生代为执行。调查前,将量表的规则及各项含义详细向患者说明,并向患者讲明此项调查的意义