作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-14
1994. Peddling Prosperity. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.
Krugman, Paul.1996. Pop Internationalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Dollar and Yen. The MIT Press.
Kwan, H.C. 2000. Yen Bloc. Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
Lee, Kyung Tae, and Lin Justin. 2001. China’s Integration with the World Economy:Repercussions of China’s Accession to the WTO. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
Mckinnon, Ronnald, and Ohno, Kenichi. 1997. Cambridge, Mass.: Dollar and Yen. The MIT Press.
Yu Yongding, at.el (ed). The Impact of China’s Accession to the WTO on China’s Major Industries
Yu Yongding: “Asian Monetary Cooperation”, in Regional Financial Arrangements in East Asian,ed by Kim, Yoon Hyung, and Wang, Yunjong, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
刘昌黎:通向一体化的过渡,国际贸易,2001 年第5 期。
王洛林等:《日本金融考察报告》,中国社会科学院文献出版社,2001 年。
余永定等(ed): 《21 世纪世界经济新趋势》,中国社会科学院文献出版社,即将出版。
张锡镇:东亚地区合作进程与有关各方的态度和立场,东亚研究,2001 年第5 期。
张蕴岭:《东亚经济社会发展的稳定与安全》,中国社会科学出版社,2001 年。
张蕴岭:《聚焦上海》,经济管理出版社,2001 年。
注 释:
(1) 关志雄博士对雁行模式作了非常清楚的描述。见Kwan. C.H.. 2001.Yen Block, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. 16-23.
(2) Urata: Toward Northeast Asian Production Network, p3. Conference Proceeding, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and North Asian Economic Cooperation forum Conference. Hawaii, Aug, 2001.
(3) Pingyao Lai: Recent Trend of Foreign Investment in China, a unpublished paper, 2001, Institute of World Economics and Politics.
(4) According to other studies, Japan’s FDI to China peaked in 1995.
(5) 2002 年2 月14 日CCTV 晚间新闻
(6) Chang-lae lee. 2001 Rational for Institutionalising Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Some Possible Options p16. Conference Proceeding, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and North Asian Economic Cooperation forum Conference. Hawaii, Aug, 2001.
(7) ASEAN-China Expert Group on Economic Cooperation: Forging Closer ASEAN-China Economic Relations in the Twenty-First Century, October 2001, p4
Krugman, Paul.1996. Pop Internationalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Dollar and Yen. The MIT Press.
Kwan, H.C. 2000. Yen Bloc. Washington: Brookings Institution Press.
Lee, Kyung Tae, and Lin Justin. 2001. China’s Integration with the World Economy:Repercussions of China’s Accession to the WTO. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
Mckinnon, Ronnald, and Ohno, Kenichi. 1997. Cambridge, Mass.: Dollar and Yen. The MIT Press.
Yu Yongding, at.el (ed). The Impact of China’s Accession to the WTO on China’s Major Industries
Yu Yongding: “Asian Monetary Cooperation”, in Regional Financial Arrangements in East Asian,ed by Kim, Yoon Hyung, and Wang, Yunjong, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
刘昌黎:通向一体化的过渡,国际贸易,2001 年第5 期。
王洛林等:《日本金融考察报告》,中国社会科学院文献出版社,2001 年。
余永定等(ed): 《21 世纪世界经济新趋势》,中国社会科学院文献出版社,即将出版。
张锡镇:东亚地区合作进程与有关各方的态度和立场,东亚研究,2001 年第5 期。
张蕴岭:《东亚经济社会发展的稳定与安全》,中国社会科学出版社,2001 年。
张蕴岭:《聚焦上海》,经济管理出版社,2001 年。
注 释:
(1) 关志雄博士对雁行模式作了非常清楚的描述。见Kwan. C.H.. 2001.Yen Block, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press. 16-23.
(2) Urata: Toward Northeast Asian Production Network, p3. Conference Proceeding, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and North Asian Economic Cooperation forum Conference. Hawaii, Aug, 2001.
(3) Pingyao Lai: Recent Trend of Foreign Investment in China, a unpublished paper, 2001, Institute of World Economics and Politics.
(4) According to other studies, Japan’s FDI to China peaked in 1995.
(5) 2002 年2 月14 日CCTV 晚间新闻
(6) Chang-lae lee. 2001 Rational for Institutionalising Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Some Possible Options p16. Conference Proceeding, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy and North Asian Economic Cooperation forum Conference. Hawaii, Aug, 2001.
(7) ASEAN-China Expert Group on Economic Cooperation: Forging Closer ASEAN-China Economic Relations in the Twenty-First Century, October 2001, p4
