作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-07
境問題,美國學者夏竹麗(Judith Shapiro)對中國的研究及美國史家海斯(Samuel P. Hays)對美國的研究,都可供參考。[17]
9. 人類聚落與建築環境:農村與都市聚落的建築環境都需要更多的研究。與這主題相關的問題包括房屋的建材與形式的變化,聚落空間的規劃,都市化與都市環境的變化等等。
10. 地理資訊系統(geographical information system,GIS)之運用:很顯然的,環境史的研究要同時兼顧環境在時間上與空間上的變化。現在GIS已成為一項很強有力的表現時空變化的技術,應該鼓勵大家運用GIS來呈現環境史研究的成果。
[1] Ester Boserup, The Conditions of Agricultural Growth (London: Allen and Unwin, 1965); Population and Technological Change (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981); “Environment, Population, and Technology in Primitive Societies,” in Donald Worster (ed.), The Ends of the Earth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 23-38.
[2] 曹樹基,《中國人口史,第五卷:清時期》(上海:復旦大學出版社,2001),頁965。
[3] 吳傳鈞、郭煥成(主編),《中國土地利用》(北京:科學出版社,1994)。
[4] James Reardon-Anderson, “Land Use and Society in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia during the Qing dynasty,” Environmental History, 5.4 (October 2000), pp. 501-530。趙岡,《中國歷史上生態環境之變遷》(北京:中國環境科學出版社,1996)。鈔曉鴻,《生態環境與明清社會經濟》,頁55-128。趙珍,《清代西北生態變遷研究》(北京:人民出版社,2005)。
[5] 例如,劉翠溶、劉士永,〈淨水之供給與污水之排放—台灣地區聚落環境史研究之一〉,《經濟論文》20.2 (1992),頁459-504。
[6] 例如,李克讓(主編),《中國氣候變化及其影響》(北京:海洋出版社,1992)。張丕遠(主編),《中國歷史氣候變化》(山東:科學技術出版社,1996)。
[7] 例如,鄒佩珊,〈台灣山區近五百年的氣候變化:樹輪寬度的證據〉,國立台灣大學地質學研究所博士論文(1998)。
[8] 例如,Emmanual Le Roy Ladurie, Time of Feast, Time of Famine: A History of Climate Since the Year 1000, translated by Barbara Bray (New York: The Noonday Press, 1971). Gustaf Utterstrom, “Climatic Fluctuations and Population Problems in Early Modern History,” in Donald Worster (ed.), The Ends of the Earth, Ch. 3.
[9] B. W. Clapp, An Environmental History of Britain since the Industrial Revolution (London and New York: Longman, 1994); John Sheail, An Environmental History of Twentieth-Centur Britain (New York: Palgrave, 2002). 梅雪芹,《環境史學與環境問題》(北京:人民出版社,2004),頁85-172。
[10] J. R. McNeill, Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth Century (London and New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000). 梅雪芹,《環境史學與環境問題》,頁175-237,討論世界環境史問題,亦可參考。
[11] V. Smil, The Bad Earth: Environmental Degradation in China (New York: Sharpe, 1984). V. Smil, China’s Environmental Crisis: An Inquiry into the Limits of National Development (Armonk, New York: An East Gate Book, 1993). Reeitsu Kojima, “Mainland China Grows into the World’s Largest Source of Environmental Pollution,” in Reeitsu Kojima (ed.), Development and the Environment: The Experience of Japan and Industrializing Asia (Tokyo: Institute of Development Economics, 1995), pp. 193-211.
[12] Andrew T. Price-Smith, The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and their Effects on National Security and Development (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2002), Ch. 5.
[13] Carolyn Merchant, Ecological Revolution: Nature, Gender, and Science in New England (Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989). Hilkka Pietila, “The Daughters of Earth: Women’s culture as a Basis for Sustainable Development,” in J. Ronald Engel and Joan Engel (eds.), Ethics of Environment and Development: Global Challenge and International Response (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1990), Ch. 20. Antonia Finnane, “Water, Love, and Labor: Aspects of a Gendered Environment,” in Mark Elvin and Liu Ts’ui-jung (eds.), Sediments of Time, Ch. 18.
[14] 參見Charles L. Redman, Human Impact on Ancient Environments (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1999).
[15] Yi-Fu Tuan, “Discrepencies between Environmental Attitude and Behaviour: Examples from Europe and China,” in J. R. McNeill (ed.), Environmental History in the Pacific World (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001), pp. 235-250.
[16] 劉翠溶,〈中國歷史上關於山林川澤的觀念和制度〉,收入曹添旺、賴景昌、楊建成(主編),《經濟成長、所得分配與制度演化》(台北:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所,1999),頁1-42。
[17] Judith Shapiro, Mao’s War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Samuel P. Hays, Explorations in Environmental History (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998).
9. 人類聚落與建築環境:農村與都市聚落的建築環境都需要更多的研究。與這主題相關的問題包括房屋的建材與形式的變化,聚落空間的規劃,都市化與都市環境的變化等等。
10. 地理資訊系統(geographical information system,GIS)之運用:很顯然的,環境史的研究要同時兼顧環境在時間上與空間上的變化。現在GIS已成為一項很強有力的表現時空變化的技術,應該鼓勵大家運用GIS來呈現環境史研究的成果。
[1] Ester Boserup, The Conditions of Agricultural Growth (London: Allen and Unwin, 1965); Population and Technological Change (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981); “Environment, Population, and Technology in Primitive Societies,” in Donald Worster (ed.), The Ends of the Earth (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 23-38.
[2] 曹樹基,《中國人口史,第五卷:清時期》(上海:復旦大學出版社,2001),頁965。
[3] 吳傳鈞、郭煥成(主編),《中國土地利用》(北京:科學出版社,1994)。
[4] James Reardon-Anderson, “Land Use and Society in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia during the Qing dynasty,” Environmental History, 5.4 (October 2000), pp. 501-530。趙岡,《中國歷史上生態環境之變遷》(北京:中國環境科學出版社,1996)。鈔曉鴻,《生態環境與明清社會經濟》,頁55-128。趙珍,《清代西北生態變遷研究》(北京:人民出版社,2005)。
[5] 例如,劉翠溶、劉士永,〈淨水之供給與污水之排放—台灣地區聚落環境史研究之一〉,《經濟論文》20.2 (1992),頁459-504。
[6] 例如,李克讓(主編),《中國氣候變化及其影響》(北京:海洋出版社,1992)。張丕遠(主編),《中國歷史氣候變化》(山東:科學技術出版社,1996)。
[7] 例如,鄒佩珊,〈台灣山區近五百年的氣候變化:樹輪寬度的證據〉,國立台灣大學地質學研究所博士論文(1998)。
[8] 例如,Emmanual Le Roy Ladurie, Time of Feast, Time of Famine: A History of Climate Since the Year 1000, translated by Barbara Bray (New York: The Noonday Press, 1971). Gustaf Utterstrom, “Climatic Fluctuations and Population Problems in Early Modern History,” in Donald Worster (ed.), The Ends of the Earth, Ch. 3.
[9] B. W. Clapp, An Environmental History of Britain since the Industrial Revolution (London and New York: Longman, 1994); John Sheail, An Environmental History of Twentieth-Centur Britain (New York: Palgrave, 2002). 梅雪芹,《環境史學與環境問題》(北京:人民出版社,2004),頁85-172。
[10] J. R. McNeill, Something New under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth Century (London and New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000). 梅雪芹,《環境史學與環境問題》,頁175-237,討論世界環境史問題,亦可參考。
[11] V. Smil, The Bad Earth: Environmental Degradation in China (New York: Sharpe, 1984). V. Smil, China’s Environmental Crisis: An Inquiry into the Limits of National Development (Armonk, New York: An East Gate Book, 1993). Reeitsu Kojima, “Mainland China Grows into the World’s Largest Source of Environmental Pollution,” in Reeitsu Kojima (ed.), Development and the Environment: The Experience of Japan and Industrializing Asia (Tokyo: Institute of Development Economics, 1995), pp. 193-211.
[12] Andrew T. Price-Smith, The Health of Nations: Infectious Disease, Environmental Change, and their Effects on National Security and Development (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2002), Ch. 5.
[13] Carolyn Merchant, Ecological Revolution: Nature, Gender, and Science in New England (Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989). Hilkka Pietila, “The Daughters of Earth: Women’s culture as a Basis for Sustainable Development,” in J. Ronald Engel and Joan Engel (eds.), Ethics of Environment and Development: Global Challenge and International Response (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1990), Ch. 20. Antonia Finnane, “Water, Love, and Labor: Aspects of a Gendered Environment,” in Mark Elvin and Liu Ts’ui-jung (eds.), Sediments of Time, Ch. 18.
[14] 參見Charles L. Redman, Human Impact on Ancient Environments (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1999).
[15] Yi-Fu Tuan, “Discrepencies between Environmental Attitude and Behaviour: Examples from Europe and China,” in J. R. McNeill (ed.), Environmental History in the Pacific World (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001), pp. 235-250.
[16] 劉翠溶,〈中國歷史上關於山林川澤的觀念和制度〉,收入曹添旺、賴景昌、楊建成(主編),《經濟成長、所得分配與制度演化》(台北:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所,1999),頁1-42。
[17] Judith Shapiro, Mao’s War Against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001). Samuel P. Hays, Explorations in Environmental History (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1998).
