作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-07
49 北京,中華書局《唐宋史料筆記叢刊》張茂鵬點校本,一九八三年,頁108。
50 頁124。
51 上海古籍出版社《續修四庫全書》影印清抄本,頁48下。
52 頁668上。
53 《四部叢刊初編》景印正德刊本,頁2上。
54 《四庫全書》本,頁29上。
55 楊溥《楊文定集》卷一〈瑞應騶虞詩〉,上海古籍出版社《續修四庫全書》影印明抄本,頁467下:“宣德己酉,仲春惟良。天錫嘉貺,爲國禎祥。猊首虎軀,玄文素質。是曰騶虞,不食生物。若昔大猷,河圖洛書。鳳凰來儀,異世同符”。
56 北京,中華書局標點本,一九七七年,頁441,
57 長春,吉林人民出版社刊本,一九八○年,頁126。
58 《四庫全書》本,頁18下。
On Zouyu, Auspicious Beast in Ming Dynasty
Abstract: There were the reports that Zouyu, the auspicious beast appeared three times and would show in public during Yongle and Xuande. Only the white-haired “king cheetah”, the aberrant individual of the species was the animal according with the characteristics as follows: it had the large physique of makings of alternating white and black stripes, with the tiger-like body, lion-like head and long tail. It had the warm disposition and gentle manner and reacted swift and run fast. And the habitat of the individual of the rare animal was the continent of South Asia or Africa. With the appreciation and amity, Zhu Su who was disimprisoned had devised and played the identification and contribution hand and foot. The exhibiting of the carnivore predicated the beginning of the new era arranged by the God, for it had been endowed with virtue and morality in the primitive books. It was in mediaeval China a humorous event that the court ministers including Yang Pu, Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi had made so many poems and articles.
49 北京,中華書局《唐宋史料筆記叢刊》張茂鵬點校本,一九八三年,頁108。
50 頁124。
51 上海古籍出版社《續修四庫全書》影印清抄本,頁48下。
52 頁668上。
53 《四部叢刊初編》景印正德刊本,頁2上。
54 《四庫全書》本,頁29上。
55 楊溥《楊文定集》卷一〈瑞應騶虞詩〉,上海古籍出版社《續修四庫全書》影印明抄本,頁467下:“宣德己酉,仲春惟良。天錫嘉貺,爲國禎祥。猊首虎軀,玄文素質。是曰騶虞,不食生物。若昔大猷,河圖洛書。鳳凰來儀,異世同符”。
56 北京,中華書局標點本,一九七七年,頁441,
57 長春,吉林人民出版社刊本,一九八○年,頁126。
58 《四庫全書》本,頁18下。
On Zouyu, Auspicious Beast in Ming Dynasty
Abstract: There were the reports that Zouyu, the auspicious beast appeared three times and would show in public during Yongle and Xuande. Only the white-haired “king cheetah”, the aberrant individual of the species was the animal according with the characteristics as follows: it had the large physique of makings of alternating white and black stripes, with the tiger-like body, lion-like head and long tail. It had the warm disposition and gentle manner and reacted swift and run fast. And the habitat of the individual of the rare animal was the continent of South Asia or Africa. With the appreciation and amity, Zhu Su who was disimprisoned had devised and played the identification and contribution hand and foot. The exhibiting of the carnivore predicated the beginning of the new era arranged by the God, for it had been endowed with virtue and morality in the primitive books. It was in mediaeval China a humorous event that the court ministers including Yang Pu, Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi had made so many poems and articles.