作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-10
1 Dictionary of the Occult, Geddes & Grosset,1997, p.106.
2 Robert A.Segal, Jung’s Psychologising of Religion , Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman ed.,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh University Press,2000, p. 65 .
3 C.G.Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Routledge,1968,p.81.
4 参看拙著《庄子的文化解析》,湖北人民出版社,1997年,第一章“道之回归”;第五章“返胎与复朴”。
5 Fiona Bowie, The Anthropology of Religion, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000,p.54 .
6 转引自比尔.麦克基本:《自然的终结》,孙晓春等译,吉林人民出版社,2000年,第154页。
7 P.Jones and N. Pennick, A History of Pagan Europe, London:Routledge,1995, p. 1-2.
8 Susan Greewood , Gender and Power in Magical Practices, Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman ed.,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh University Press,2000,pp.137-154.
9 Steve Bruce ,The New Age and Secularisation,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, p.227.
10 Fiona Bowie, The Anthropology of Religion, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, p.129.
11 C.Larrinton ed., The Feminist Companion to Mythology, London: Pandora Press,1992, p.ix.
12 Larry W. Hurtad ed., Goddesses in Religions and Modern Debate, University of Manitoba, 1990.
13 Bettina L.Knapp, Women in Myth, State University of New York Press,1997。
14 Joseph Campbell,Myth,Religion and Mother Right,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1967,Introduction,p.XXV.
15 参看:C. Eller,The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory,Boston:Beacon Press,2000.
16 Adam Kuper,The Invention of Primitive Society, London; New York: Routledge,1988,pp.35-41.
17 参看:左喜真兴英《女人政治考》,《左喜真兴英全集》,东京,新泉社,1982年;林道义《尊与巫女的神话学》,东京,名著刊行会,1990年;以及吉田敦彦的《妖怪与美女的神话学》(1989)、《绳文土偶的神话学》(1986)和《日本人的女神信仰》(1995)等。
18 M.Gimbutas, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe:6500-3500BC, Berkeley: University of California Press,1982.
19 M.Gimbutas, The Civilization of the Goddesses,San Francisco: Haper & Row,1991.
20 M.Gimbutas, The Language of the Goddess, San Francisco: Haper & Row,1989.
21 M.Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses, Berkeley: University of California Press,1999.
22 Lisa Tuttle, Encyclopedia of Feminism, New York: Facts On File Publications, 1986, p. 127.
23 Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy,Jesus And the Goddess,London: Thorsons,2001 .
24 Mary R.Lefkowitz, Women in Greek Myth, Bristol Classical Press,1995.
25 参看:西恩.史密斯:《〈哈利.波特〉背后的天才:J.K.罗琳传》,宋润鹃等译,时代文艺出版社,2002 年,第46页。
26 戴维.科尔伯特(David Colbert):《哈利.波特的魔法世界》(The Magical World of Harry Potter), 麦秸译,人民文学出版社,2002年,第95页。
27 J.E.Cirlot,A Dictionary of Symbols,New York:Philosophical Library,1971,p.213.
28 戴维.科尔伯特:《哈利.波特的魔法世界》,第147页注1。
29 Steve Bruce,The New Age and Secularisation,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, p.229.
30 Pamela Russell, The Palaeolithic Mother-Goddess: Fact or Fiction? Reader in Gender Archaeology,ed. By Kelley Hays-Gilpin & David S.Whitley, Routledge, 1998,pp.261-268.
31 P.J.Ucko, The Anthropomophic Figurines, London: Andrew Szmidla,1968.
32 Pamela Russell, The Palaeolithic Mother-Goddess: Fact or Fiction? Reader in Gender Archaeology,p.265.
33 这方面的专著可参看Timothy Gantz, Early Greek Myth,vol.1, The John Hopkins University Press,1993.
34 Clyde W. Ford, The Hero with a African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa, Bantam Books,1999, p.116.
1 Dictionary of the Occult, Geddes & Grosset,1997, p.106.
2 Robert A.Segal, Jung’s Psychologising of Religion , Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman ed.,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh University Press,2000, p. 65 .
3 C.G.Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Routledge,1968,p.81.
4 参看拙著《庄子的文化解析》,湖北人民出版社,1997年,第一章“道之回归”;第五章“返胎与复朴”。
5 Fiona Bowie, The Anthropology of Religion, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000,p.54 .
6 转引自比尔.麦克基本:《自然的终结》,孙晓春等译,吉林人民出版社,2000年,第154页。
7 P.Jones and N. Pennick, A History of Pagan Europe, London:Routledge,1995, p. 1-2.
8 Susan Greewood , Gender and Power in Magical Practices, Steven Sutcliffe and Marion Bowman ed.,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, Edinburgh University Press,2000,pp.137-154.
9 Steve Bruce ,The New Age and Secularisation,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, p.227.
10 Fiona Bowie, The Anthropology of Religion, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, p.129.
11 C.Larrinton ed., The Feminist Companion to Mythology, London: Pandora Press,1992, p.ix.
12 Larry W. Hurtad ed., Goddesses in Religions and Modern Debate, University of Manitoba, 1990.
13 Bettina L.Knapp, Women in Myth, State University of New York Press,1997。
14 Joseph Campbell,Myth,Religion and Mother Right,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1967,Introduction,p.XXV.
15 参看:C. Eller,The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory,Boston:Beacon Press,2000.
16 Adam Kuper,The Invention of Primitive Society, London; New York: Routledge,1988,pp.35-41.
17 参看:左喜真兴英《女人政治考》,《左喜真兴英全集》,东京,新泉社,1982年;林道义《尊与巫女的神话学》,东京,名著刊行会,1990年;以及吉田敦彦的《妖怪与美女的神话学》(1989)、《绳文土偶的神话学》(1986)和《日本人的女神信仰》(1995)等。
18 M.Gimbutas, The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe:6500-3500BC, Berkeley: University of California Press,1982.
19 M.Gimbutas, The Civilization of the Goddesses,San Francisco: Haper & Row,1991.
20 M.Gimbutas, The Language of the Goddess, San Francisco: Haper & Row,1989.
21 M.Gimbutas, The Living Goddesses, Berkeley: University of California Press,1999.
22 Lisa Tuttle, Encyclopedia of Feminism, New York: Facts On File Publications, 1986, p. 127.
23 Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy,Jesus And the Goddess,London: Thorsons,2001 .
24 Mary R.Lefkowitz, Women in Greek Myth, Bristol Classical Press,1995.
25 参看:西恩.史密斯:《〈哈利.波特〉背后的天才:J.K.罗琳传》,宋润鹃等译,时代文艺出版社,2002 年,第46页。
26 戴维.科尔伯特(David Colbert):《哈利.波特的魔法世界》(The Magical World of Harry Potter), 麦秸译,人民文学出版社,2002年,第95页。
27 J.E.Cirlot,A Dictionary of Symbols,New York:Philosophical Library,1971,p.213.
28 戴维.科尔伯特:《哈利.波特的魔法世界》,第147页注1。
29 Steve Bruce,The New Age and Secularisation,Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality, p.229.
30 Pamela Russell, The Palaeolithic Mother-Goddess: Fact or Fiction? Reader in Gender Archaeology,ed. By Kelley Hays-Gilpin & David S.Whitley, Routledge, 1998,pp.261-268.
31 P.J.Ucko, The Anthropomophic Figurines, London: Andrew Szmidla,1968.
32 Pamela Russell, The Palaeolithic Mother-Goddess: Fact or Fiction? Reader in Gender Archaeology,p.265.
33 这方面的专著可参看Timothy Gantz, Early Greek Myth,vol.1, The John Hopkins University Press,1993.
34 Clyde W. Ford, The Hero with a African Face: Mythic Wisdom of Traditional Africa, Bantam Books,1999, p.116.
