论文关键词;乙肝病毒携带者 慢性乙型肝炎 拉米夫定 草分枝杆菌F.U.36 药物同步联合应用 野生型乙肝病毒突变成为前-C区变异株
论文摘要:目的 以药物单独应用和药物联合应用的治疗方式,探索乙肝病毒携带者和慢性乙型肝炎患者获取HBV-DNA转阴的疗效与非特异性免疫激活药物选择应用的关系;方法 将255例HBeAg阳性和阴性的乙肝病毒携带者和慢性乙型肝炎患者随机分成2组;观察拉米夫定和草分枝杆菌F.U.36与中药(A组)和拉米夫定与中药(B组),对HBV-DNA的疗效作用,以及疗效的安全性问题等,疗程3个月,追踪观察9个月;结果1)B组对慢性乙型肝炎HBV-DNA的转阴率,显著地高于对乙肝病毒携带者的疗效,信捷职称论文写作发表网,P<0,01;2)A组对慢性乙性肝炎HBV-DNA的转阴率,显著地高于B组的转阴率,P<0,01;3)A组对HBeAg阴性的乙肝病毒携带者HBV-DNA的转阴率,显著地高于B组和HBeAg阳性的乙肝病毒携带者的转阴率,P<0,01等,治疗过程未见有任何不良的反应;结论 非特异性免疫激活药物的选择应用与HBV-DNA获取转阴的疗效有关,HBV-DNA获取转阴的疗效与谷丙转氨酶获得复常的结果有关,进而获得了构成谷丙转氨酶异常的原因与非特异性免疫应答状态发生变化的结果有关,抗HBV治疗获取HBV-DNA转阴的疗效与非特异性免疫应答能力获得提高或改善的结果有关等。
Abstract:Purpose asymptomatic carriers, chronic hepatitis B HBV-DNA to obtain the effect of negative results, with the drug alone or the relationship between the drug combination;Methods 255 cases will be positive and HBeAg-negative hepatitis B virus carriers and chronic hepatitis B were randomly divided into 2 groups; observation of lamivudine and Mycobacterium phlei FU36 and traditional Chinese medicine (A group) and lamivudine with traditional Chinese medicine (B group ), on the efficacy of HBV-DNA, as well as the efficacy of the security issues and so on, treatment 3 months, 9 months follow-up; Results 1)B group patients with chronic hepatitis B HBV-DNA to obtain the negative rate, significantly higher than that of the efficacy of asymptomatic carriers, P <0,01 2) A group patients with chronic hepatitis B HBV-DNA to obtain the negative rate, significantly higher than that of the negative rate of B group, P <0,01;3) A group of HBeAg-negative asymptomatic carriers of HBV-DNA negative rate,significantly higher than the B group and HBeAg-positive asymptomatic carriers negative rate, P <0,01 etc。The whole course of treatment not known to have any adverse reaction; Conclusions Non-specific immune activation of the choice of drug applications, with HBV-DNA to obtain the effect of negative results, HBV-DNA to obtain the effect of negative results, with alanine aminotransferase obtained the results returned to normal,and then was abnormal alanine aminotransferase reasons, with non-specific immune response of the state of the result of a change, anti-HBV treatment of HBV-DNA to obtain the effect of negative results, with non-specific immune response was to increase capacity or improve the outcome-related。
Key words asymptomatic carriers, chronic hepatitis B, lamivudine, Mycobacterium FU36, simultaneous combination of drugs, wild-type hepatitis B virus pre-C mutation in the district as a mutant。
乙型肝炎是一种对人类健康构成严重危害的传染性疾病,我国现约有1.2亿乙肝病毒携带者(AsC)和2800万慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者,每年有23.7万人死于CHB,肝硬化或肝癌【1】,其中由于乙肝病毒(HBV)感染并导致肝病发生发展的原因与HBV-DNA的存在结果有关,因此抗HBV治疗清除HBV-DNA对防范AsC进展成为CHB,以及相关性肝病的发生具有非常重要的临床意义。拉米夫定作为核苷类的抗HBV药物,虽然具有显著抑制HBV复制的作用, 并对肝脏坏死和炎症的改善,延缓肝纤维化的发生,以及提高HBeAg血清转换等有一定的作用【2-5】,但是由于拉米夫定单独应用存在有至少需要持续应用1年以上,长期应用易发生YMDD型变异,停药后易出现HBV-DNA反弹,以及HBeAg血清转换率低等的问题,而与其它抗HBV药物或免疫调节药物联合应用又无明显提高抗HBV治疗的疗效作用【6-10】,所以现时抗HBV治疗呈现对HBV-DNA的疗效并不另人满意。更缺乏有效的药物和治疗方法解决AsC抗HBV治疗的问题。依此,我们以AsC进展成为CHB认为与特异性免疫耐受被部分打破的结果有关,但实际与临床展示的HBV感染的转归过程,以及呈现的疗效表现并不完全相吻合的表现为依据,选择应用拉米夫定与中药和拉米夫定和草分枝杆菌F.U.36与中药的