作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-05
基督教的普世主义和世界大同观念与「种族中心论」(ethnocentrism)截然对立的。这对华夏中心主义的「中」国乃舶来品,长期以来倍受拒斥。自由、博爱、平等的观 念来自基督教。基督教是世界性宗教。这与民族主义宗教根本不同。「工人无祖国」、「环球一家」、「世界公民」的观念以及「解放全人类」、「国际工人运动」、「王权有限」、「人类大家庭」等观念乃基督教理念占主导地位的文化之产品。当前人类之威胁,乃在把基督教重铸为民族利己主义和沙文主义的工具,拒绝各种文化之间的交流和渗透。基督教的普世观念同封闭的观念毫无共同之处。当今之世,跨国主义(transnationalism)的观念、跨国市民或公民的观念正在普及开来。近代许多优秀思想家和中国宗教学者也阐述了「世界一家」的基督教理念。这是人类宝贵的思想财富。
All Nations under Heaven versus Subjects of the Feudal Rulers
Simon An
Both the ideas of loyalty and filial piety belong to Chinese traditional thinking. Although the two ideas cannot always complement each other, they are seen as being identical in Chinese culture. Chinese culture and religion are characterized by an agricultural civilization of feudal autocracy. Christian cosmopolitanism and the idea of "the Great Harmony of the world" are antagonistic to the ethnocentrism of Chinese culture. The Christian idea of equality is alien to the Chinese idea of monarch and vassal. Moreover, Christians do not acknowling edge their allegiance to emperors or kings. Consequently, Christian ideas are often rejected by mainstream Chinese culture. If Chinese cultures tolerate Christianity, it is often changed
into the emperors?religion.
It is a fact, however, that Western ideas of freedom, equality and universal fraternity come from Christianity. Christianity is a world religion, not belonging to one nation only. It thus differs from nationalist religions. Workers have no motherland ", "the whole world belongs to one family" , the idea of "worlds citizens", the idea of liberating the whole human race, the international workers movement, the idea of limited sovereignty of state, the idea of the Human Family, and so on, are products of Western culture dominated by Christian culture. Even Marx called out: " Unite, Proletarians of the whole world ". The slogan, Long live the unity of the world people is on Tiananmen Gate. The greatest danger to humankind now is the transformation of Christian ideas into a selfish nationalism and national Chauvinism, rejecting the interchange of different cultures. Christian universalism has nothing in common with Chinese traditional closed society. In the present world, the idea of tran-nationalism, and the idea of transnational citizens, is becoming more and more popular.
Due to the idea that "all men belong to one family ", the principle of noninterference in each others countrys internal affairs, and the principle of the supremacy of ones states sovereignty, is now being challenged by the transnational civil social movement and the idea of universal human rights. No important affair within the contemporary world belongs to one government only. This idea was propounded by Marx and Engels, but has its roots in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. Some Chinese Christian scholars, for example, Xu Baoqian, have similarly expounded the idea of human equality, arguing alongside Marxists for the deceptiveness of nationalism. Nationalism propagates the notion that, " ones own country is highest", and "ones own nation is superior to other nations". Furthermore, nationalism often launches war against other nations under the guise of defending ones motherland.
In short, the author is against narrow nationalism and patriotism. The whole world is one family; we are members of humanity as a whole, not belong to one nation or one country only .We are not obedient subjects of feudal rulers. The danger of terrorism threatens the interests of the worlds people. To tolerate terrorism is to tolerate crime. Love your country and love your religion, glorify your God and benefit your people, are slogans current in certain countries. But Christianity does not support such patriotism or nationalism. Countries, kingdoms, parties, nations, and states can become idols for Christians. The danger Chinese Christians face today is the temptation to manipulate the Christian message into becoming a nations or governments tool for self-interest.
基督教诞生时,罗马世界大量存在着崇奉部落神和民族神的民间宗教。但当时后期犹太教已经把犹太人独有的民族神 - 雅畏变成了世界唯一的上帝。这就使之有可能发展为世界性宗教。原来,犹太教认为犹太民族是上帝的「特选子民」,而基督教却打破了犹太基督徒的优越地位(主要是在启示录中),主张上帝对各民族一视同仁,毫无区别。这种全新观念是各民族杂居的罗马帝国的产物。基督教乃发展为世界宗教。
斯多噶派提出「人人皆兄弟」的博爱主张和「世界大同主义」(Cosmopol-itanism)的观念。包括奴隶、外邦人和所有的人在内的人都受同一理性的支配,都有共同的起源和命运,都是同一父亲的儿女。人类生活在一个世界城邦(Cosmopo-lis)和大同国家(Universal state)中。在这个共同体中,只有一部起源于同一种世界理性的法律和准则。所有的人都是同一个国家的公民,皆服从于同一个法律准则,甚至奴隶也有其权利。这就是当代的「地球村」(global village)的概念。据此,把人分为相互冲突的国家是荒谬的。
恩格斯还说:「罗马帝国在消灭各民族政治和社会独特性的同时,也消灭了他们独特的宗教。古代一切宗教都是自发的部落宗教和后来的民族宗教,它们从各民族的社会和政治条件中产生,并和它们一起生长.宗教的这些基础一旦遭到破坏,沿袭的社会形式、继承的政治结构和民族独立一旦遭到毁灭,那末与之相适应的宗教自然也就崩溃。民族神一旦不能保卫本民族的独立和自 主,就会自取灭亡。」2
All Nations under Heaven versus Subjects of the Feudal Rulers
Simon An
Both the ideas of loyalty and filial piety belong to Chinese traditional thinking. Although the two ideas cannot always complement each other, they are seen as being identical in Chinese culture. Chinese culture and religion are characterized by an agricultural civilization of feudal autocracy. Christian cosmopolitanism and the idea of "the Great Harmony of the world" are antagonistic to the ethnocentrism of Chinese culture. The Christian idea of equality is alien to the Chinese idea of monarch and vassal. Moreover, Christians do not acknowling edge their allegiance to emperors or kings. Consequently, Christian ideas are often rejected by mainstream Chinese culture. If Chinese cultures tolerate Christianity, it is often changed
into the emperors?religion.
It is a fact, however, that Western ideas of freedom, equality and universal fraternity come from Christianity. Christianity is a world religion, not belonging to one nation only. It thus differs from nationalist religions. Workers have no motherland ", "the whole world belongs to one family" , the idea of "worlds citizens", the idea of liberating the whole human race, the international workers movement, the idea of limited sovereignty of state, the idea of the Human Family, and so on, are products of Western culture dominated by Christian culture. Even Marx called out: " Unite, Proletarians of the whole world ". The slogan, Long live the unity of the world people is on Tiananmen Gate. The greatest danger to humankind now is the transformation of Christian ideas into a selfish nationalism and national Chauvinism, rejecting the interchange of different cultures. Christian universalism has nothing in common with Chinese traditional closed society. In the present world, the idea of tran-nationalism, and the idea of transnational citizens, is becoming more and more popular.
Due to the idea that "all men belong to one family ", the principle of noninterference in each others countrys internal affairs, and the principle of the supremacy of ones states sovereignty, is now being challenged by the transnational civil social movement and the idea of universal human rights. No important affair within the contemporary world belongs to one government only. This idea was propounded by Marx and Engels, but has its roots in the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. Some Chinese Christian scholars, for example, Xu Baoqian, have similarly expounded the idea of human equality, arguing alongside Marxists for the deceptiveness of nationalism. Nationalism propagates the notion that, " ones own country is highest", and "ones own nation is superior to other nations". Furthermore, nationalism often launches war against other nations under the guise of defending ones motherland.
In short, the author is against narrow nationalism and patriotism. The whole world is one family; we are members of humanity as a whole, not belong to one nation or one country only .We are not obedient subjects of feudal rulers. The danger of terrorism threatens the interests of the worlds people. To tolerate terrorism is to tolerate crime. Love your country and love your religion, glorify your God and benefit your people, are slogans current in certain countries. But Christianity does not support such patriotism or nationalism. Countries, kingdoms, parties, nations, and states can become idols for Christians. The danger Chinese Christians face today is the temptation to manipulate the Christian message into becoming a nations or governments tool for self-interest.
基督教诞生时,罗马世界大量存在着崇奉部落神和民族神的民间宗教。但当时后期犹太教已经把犹太人独有的民族神 - 雅畏变成了世界唯一的上帝。这就使之有可能发展为世界性宗教。原来,犹太教认为犹太民族是上帝的「特选子民」,而基督教却打破了犹太基督徒的优越地位(主要是在启示录中),主张上帝对各民族一视同仁,毫无区别。这种全新观念是各民族杂居的罗马帝国的产物。基督教乃发展为世界宗教。
斯多噶派提出「人人皆兄弟」的博爱主张和「世界大同主义」(Cosmopol-itanism)的观念。包括奴隶、外邦人和所有的人在内的人都受同一理性的支配,都有共同的起源和命运,都是同一父亲的儿女。人类生活在一个世界城邦(Cosmopo-lis)和大同国家(Universal state)中。在这个共同体中,只有一部起源于同一种世界理性的法律和准则。所有的人都是同一个国家的公民,皆服从于同一个法律准则,甚至奴隶也有其权利。这就是当代的「地球村」(global village)的概念。据此,把人分为相互冲突的国家是荒谬的。
恩格斯还说:「罗马帝国在消灭各民族政治和社会独特性的同时,也消灭了他们独特的宗教。古代一切宗教都是自发的部落宗教和后来的民族宗教,它们从各民族的社会和政治条件中产生,并和它们一起生长.宗教的这些基础一旦遭到破坏,沿袭的社会形式、继承的政治结构和民族独立一旦遭到毁灭,那末与之相适应的宗教自然也就崩溃。民族神一旦不能保卫本民族的独立和自 主,就会自取灭亡。」2