作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-07
[18] 京师大学堂暂定各学堂应用书目[Z].湖广督署,1903.
[19] 王国维.东洋史要序[A].东洋史要[M].东文学社,1899.
[20] 那珂通世.中等东洋史教科书原序[A]. 中等东洋史教科书[M].上海:文明书局,1904.
[21] 徐维则辑,顾燮光补.增版东西学录·史志第一[M].
[22] 陈庆年.中国历史教科书·后序[M].
[23] 陈庆年.中国历史教科书·序[M].
[24] 傅斯年.中国历史分期之研究[J].北京大学日刊,1918-04.
[25] 增补普通新历史·凡例[M].普通学书室,1902.
[26] 东邦近世史广告[J].新民丛报,1902-02-8(第1号).
[27] 王舟瑶.京师大学堂中国通史讲义·论读史法(贰编)[M].
[28] 中国文明小史广告[J].新民丛报,1902-02-8(第1号).
[29] 普通新历史·凡例[M].普通学书室,1901.
[30] 横阳翼天氏.中国历史(上)·第一章历史之要质[M].东新译社,1903.
[31] 谢无量.万国史纲序[A].万国史纲[M].支那翻译会社,1903.
[32] 周同愈.中等东洋史教科书自序[A]. 中等东洋史教科书[M]. 上海:文明书局,1904.
[33] 普通新历史·第一章第一节史学之要[M].普通学书室,1901.
[34] 新书介绍:最新高等小学中国历史教科书[M].东方杂志,1904-03-11(第1期).
[35] 文明书局编辑蒙学中外历史教科书约恉[N].大公报,1903-10-19日(第478号).
[36] 国学社编辑教科书启[J].江苏,1903-04-27(第1期).
Abstract: The translation of the history textbook of China and Asia from Japan is the product of educational reform in the late of Tsing Dynasty, which has a powerful effect on historical education of new-type school in the early state of Tsing Dynasty and the emergence of the historical textbook of China compiled by Chinese. At the same time, the translation of the history textbook of China and Asia is also an important part of New Historical thinking trend ,which furthered the development of New Historical thinking trend. Its main aim is to publicize patriotism, which manifested dense utilitarian tendency. The history textbook of China and Asia have certain positions at History of education and Htoriography history in China modern times
Key words: The history of China; The history of Asia;New historiography;Patriotism
[18] 京师大学堂暂定各学堂应用书目[Z].湖广督署,1903.
[19] 王国维.东洋史要序[A].东洋史要[M].东文学社,1899.
[20] 那珂通世.中等东洋史教科书原序[A]. 中等东洋史教科书[M].上海:文明书局,1904.
[21] 徐维则辑,顾燮光补.增版东西学录·史志第一[M].
[22] 陈庆年.中国历史教科书·后序[M].
[23] 陈庆年.中国历史教科书·序[M].
[24] 傅斯年.中国历史分期之研究[J].北京大学日刊,1918-04.
[25] 增补普通新历史·凡例[M].普通学书室,1902.
[26] 东邦近世史广告[J].新民丛报,1902-02-8(第1号).
[27] 王舟瑶.京师大学堂中国通史讲义·论读史法(贰编)[M].
[28] 中国文明小史广告[J].新民丛报,1902-02-8(第1号).
[29] 普通新历史·凡例[M].普通学书室,1901.
[30] 横阳翼天氏.中国历史(上)·第一章历史之要质[M].东新译社,1903.
[31] 谢无量.万国史纲序[A].万国史纲[M].支那翻译会社,1903.
[32] 周同愈.中等东洋史教科书自序[A]. 中等东洋史教科书[M]. 上海:文明书局,1904.
[33] 普通新历史·第一章第一节史学之要[M].普通学书室,1901.
[34] 新书介绍:最新高等小学中国历史教科书[M].东方杂志,1904-03-11(第1期).
[35] 文明书局编辑蒙学中外历史教科书约恉[N].大公报,1903-10-19日(第478号).
[36] 国学社编辑教科书启[J].江苏,1903-04-27(第1期).
Abstract: The translation of the history textbook of China and Asia from Japan is the product of educational reform in the late of Tsing Dynasty, which has a powerful effect on historical education of new-type school in the early state of Tsing Dynasty and the emergence of the historical textbook of China compiled by Chinese. At the same time, the translation of the history textbook of China and Asia is also an important part of New Historical thinking trend ,which furthered the development of New Historical thinking trend. Its main aim is to publicize patriotism, which manifested dense utilitarian tendency. The history textbook of China and Asia have certain positions at History of education and Htoriography history in China modern times
Key words: The history of China; The history of Asia;New historiography;Patriotism
[1] 关于“文明史”、“开化史”教科书,将另拟文专论,在此不加赘述。
[2] 考甘孺辑述《永丰乡人(罗振玉)行年录》,此序实出自王国维之手。
[3] 《译书经眼录》卷一:史志第一,《支那三百年史》评语。
[4] 汪荣宝所编《本朝史讲义》,最初由京师学务处官书局1906年印行,作为当时中学历史教科书使用;1909年经张元济校订,改名《中国历史教科书》,由商务印书馆出版;1913年商务印书馆出版《清史讲义》,属《本朝史讲义》的改订增补本。《本朝史讲义》原分为三编:开创时期、全盛时期、忧患时期,迄至太平天国运动。民国成立后,清史首尾已具,商务印书馆请许国英增补同治初年迄于宣统退位,勒为第四编。
[5] 日本小川银次郎著,樊炳清、萨端译:《西洋史要》,商务印书馆1914年再版书后广告。
[6] 梁启超在《东籍月旦》中提及《东邦近世史》有广智书局译本,笔者在《新民丛报》第一号(1902年2月8日)发现上海广智书局近已译书目广告,其中有《东邦近世史》,并有简短的评语。
[7] 《东新译社开办之原由及其特质》,见横阳翼天氏:《中国历史》(上)书后附页,东新译社1903印本。
