作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-12-10
理论家用毛泽东思想解释今日中国,正如18世纪哲学家用孔夫子来解释中国:这是一个谜,一组抽象概念,一个乌托邦。他们可以不假思索地抨击西方的种种弊端,工业文明乌烟瘴气,城市破落腐朽,道路上塞满了汽车,真是莫名其妙,诸如此类等等。于是他们急不可耐地庆祝中国人民共和国的诞生,那儿没有污染,没有犯罪,交通畅行。这样做还不如称颂一位截肢者,说他的脚永远不脏。" 。《中国阴影》揭露了另一个中国,一个光芒刺眼的毛泽东理想掩盖了的黑暗疯狂的世界。西方想象中最后的孔教乌托邦就要消失了。
萨义德,A·W,《东方学》, 王宇根 译,三联书店,1999年版。
Gress, David., From Plato to Nato: the Idea and the West
and Its Opponents. the Free Press,1998.
Braudel, Fernand., A History of Civilizations. (trans. by
Richard Mayne), Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1987.
Manuel, Frank E. & Fritzie P., Utopian Thought IN west
World. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979.
Adshead, S.A.M., China in World History.London:Macmillan
Press Ltd. 1988.
Hall, Stuart., Presentation: Cultural Representations and
Signifying Practices. London: The Open University, 1997.
Lewis, Martin W. and Wagen, Karen., The Myth of
Continents: A Critique of Meta-geography. University of
California Press, 1997.
Mosher, Steven. W., China Misperceived: American Illusions
and Chinese Reality. A New Republic Book, 1990.
My central thesis is that the Western culture first
constructed the images of China in the discourse of Utopia
both in 17th -18th centuries as Confucius utopia and in
60's-70's of 20th century as Maoist utopia, and, just between
the two utopias in social-political expectation, there came
the "utopian China" as the Arcadia of aesthetical expectation
in Romanticism and Modernism. The images of "utopianized"
China, as a "cultural other", contributed to the construction
of the identity of modern "West". In this thesis, I examine
from a constructionist perspective how the texts that
formulated Enlightenment\ Modernity and Modernism, represented
Confucius utopia / arcadia, and Maoist utopia in history. I
try to demonstrate that the global modern civilization is not
the genesis of "superior West", but the process of transcultural and intercivilizational dynamics. While the West influenced the modalities of modern China, China as an "idea" also constructed the radical other of the Western ideology and aesthetics.
萨义德,A·W,《东方学》, 王宇根 译,三联书店,1999年版。
Gress, David., From Plato to Nato: the Idea and the West
and Its Opponents. the Free Press,1998.
Braudel, Fernand., A History of Civilizations. (trans. by
Richard Mayne), Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, 1987.
Manuel, Frank E. & Fritzie P., Utopian Thought IN west
World. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1979.
Adshead, S.A.M., China in World History.London:Macmillan
Press Ltd. 1988.
Hall, Stuart., Presentation: Cultural Representations and
Signifying Practices. London: The Open University, 1997.
Lewis, Martin W. and Wagen, Karen., The Myth of
Continents: A Critique of Meta-geography. University of
California Press, 1997.
Mosher, Steven. W., China Misperceived: American Illusions
and Chinese Reality. A New Republic Book, 1990.
My central thesis is that the Western culture first
constructed the images of China in the discourse of Utopia
both in 17th -18th centuries as Confucius utopia and in
60's-70's of 20th century as Maoist utopia, and, just between
the two utopias in social-political expectation, there came
the "utopian China" as the Arcadia of aesthetical expectation
in Romanticism and Modernism. The images of "utopianized"
China, as a "cultural other", contributed to the construction
of the identity of modern "West". In this thesis, I examine
from a constructionist perspective how the texts that
formulated Enlightenment\ Modernity and Modernism, represented
Confucius utopia / arcadia, and Maoist utopia in history. I
try to demonstrate that the global modern civilization is not
the genesis of "superior West", but the process of transcultural and intercivilizational dynamics. While the West influenced the modalities of modern China, China as an "idea" also constructed the radical other of the Western ideology and aesthetics.
