作者:佚名; 更新时间:2015-01-10
3 结论
[1] Goodall,B.How Tourists Choose Their Holidays:An Analytical Framework[A].In Marketing in the Tourism Industry:The Promotion of Destination Regions[C].edited by B.Goodall and G.Ashworth.London:Routledge,1990,pp.1-17.
[2] Gartner,L.Image Formation Process[A].In Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing[C].edited by Muzaffer Uysal and Daniel R.Fesenmaier.New York:Haworth,1993,pp.191-215.
[3] Fakeys,P.C.,and J.L.Crompton.Image Differences between Prospective,First-Time,and Repeat Visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley [J].Journal of Travel Research,1991,30(Fall):10-16.
[4] Boulding,K.The Image.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press[M].1956.
[5] Gartner,C.M.The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Image.[J].Journal of Tourism Studies,1991,2(2):2-12.
[6] Chon,K.S.The Role of Destination Image in Tourism:A Review and Discussion[J].The Tourist Review,1990,2:2-9.
[7] Moutinho,L.Vacation Tourist Decision Process[J].The Quarterly Review of Marketing,1984,9(spring):8-17.
[8] Woodside,A.G.,and S.Lysonski.A General Model of Traveler Destination Choice[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,16(winter):8-14.
[9] Um,S.,and J.L.Crornpton.The Roles of Perceived Inhibitors and Facilitates in Pleasure Travel Destination Decisions[J].Journal of Travel Research,1992,30(3):18-25.
[10] Gensch,D.H.Image-Measurement Segmentation[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1978,15:384-394.
[11] Goodrich,J.N.A New Approach to Image Analysis through Multidimensional Scaling[J].Journal of Travel Research,1977,16(3):3-7.
[12] Pearce,P.L.Perceived Changes in Holiday Destinations[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1982,9:145-164.
[13] Phelps,A.Holiday Destination Image-The Problems of Assessment:An Example Developed in Menorca[J].Tourism Management,1986,7(3):168-180.
[14] Calantone,R.1.,C.A.di Benedetto.A.Hakam,and D.C.Bojanic.Multiple Multinational Tourism Positioning Using Correspondence Analysis[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,28(2):25-32.
[15] Echtner,C.,and J.R.B.Ritchie.The Measurement of Destination Image:An Empirical Assessment[J].Journal of Travel Research,1993,22(4):3-13.
[16] Milman,A.,and A.Pizam.The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destination:The Central Florida Case [J].Journal of Travel Research,1995,33(3):21-27.
[17] Mayo,E.J.,and L.P.Jarvis.The Psychology of Leisure Travel[M].Boston:CBI.1981.
[18] Anderssen,P.,and R.T.Colberg.Multivariate Analysis in Travel Research:A Tool for Travel Package Design and Market Segmentation[M].In the Fourth Annual Conference Proceedings of TTRA.Sun valley,ID:Travel and Tourism Research Association,1973,pp.225-238.
[19] Goodrich,J.N.The Relationship between Preferences for and Perceptions of Vacation Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1978,16(Fall):8-13.
[20] Po-Ju Chen;Deborah L Kerstetter.International students' image of rural Pennsylvania as a travel destination[J].Journal of Travel Researc,1999,29(Feb):256-266.
[21] Lewis,Barbara R.Service Quality:An International Comparison of Bank Customers' Expectations and Perceptions [J].Journal of Marketing Management,1991,7(1):47-62.
[22] Mayo,Edward J.,and Lance P.Jarvis.The Psychology of Leisure Travel:Effective Marketing and Selling of Travel Services[M].Boston:CBI.1981.
[23] Crompton,J.L.An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location upon That Image[J].Journal of Travel Research,1979,17(spring):18-23.
[24] Anderssen,P.,and R.T.Colberg.Multivariate Analysis in Travel Research:A Tool for Travel Package Design and Market Segmentation[M].In the Fourth Annual Conference Proceedings of TTRA.Sun Valley,ID:Travel and Tourism Research Association,1973,pp.225-238.
[25] Goodrich,J.N.The Relationship between Preferences for and perceptions of Vacation Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1978,16(Fall):8-13.
[26] Garther,W.C.Temporal influences on Image Change[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1986,13:635-644.
[27] Fenton,M.,and P.Pearce.Multidimensional Scaling and Tourism Research[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1988,15:236-254.
[28] Gartner,L.Tourism Image:Attribute Measurement of State Tourism Products using Multidimensional Techniques[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,28(Fall):16-22.
[29] Crompton,J.L,P.C.Fakeye,and Chi-Chuan Lue.Positioning:The Example of the Lower Rio Grande Valley in the Winter Long Stay Destination Market[J].Journal of Travel Research,1992,31(Fall):20-26.
[30] Baloglu,S.,and il.Brinberg.Affective Images of Tourism Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1997,35(4):11-15.
[31] Van Raaij,W.Fred,and Dick A.Francken.Vacation Decisions,Activities,and Satisfactions[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1984,11:101-112.
3 结论
[1] Goodall,B.How Tourists Choose Their Holidays:An Analytical Framework[A].In Marketing in the Tourism Industry:The Promotion of Destination Regions[C].edited by B.Goodall and G.Ashworth.London:Routledge,1990,pp.1-17.
[2] Gartner,L.Image Formation Process[A].In Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing[C].edited by Muzaffer Uysal and Daniel R.Fesenmaier.New York:Haworth,1993,pp.191-215.
[3] Fakeys,P.C.,and J.L.Crompton.Image Differences between Prospective,First-Time,and Repeat Visitors to the Lower Rio Grande Valley [J].Journal of Travel Research,1991,30(Fall):10-16.
[4] Boulding,K.The Image.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press[M].1956.
[5] Gartner,C.M.The Meaning and Measurement of Destination Image.[J].Journal of Tourism Studies,1991,2(2):2-12.
[6] Chon,K.S.The Role of Destination Image in Tourism:A Review and Discussion[J].The Tourist Review,1990,2:2-9.
[7] Moutinho,L.Vacation Tourist Decision Process[J].The Quarterly Review of Marketing,1984,9(spring):8-17.
[8] Woodside,A.G.,and S.Lysonski.A General Model of Traveler Destination Choice[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,16(winter):8-14.
[9] Um,S.,and J.L.Crornpton.The Roles of Perceived Inhibitors and Facilitates in Pleasure Travel Destination Decisions[J].Journal of Travel Research,1992,30(3):18-25.
[10] Gensch,D.H.Image-Measurement Segmentation[J].Journal of Marketing Research,1978,15:384-394.
[11] Goodrich,J.N.A New Approach to Image Analysis through Multidimensional Scaling[J].Journal of Travel Research,1977,16(3):3-7.
[12] Pearce,P.L.Perceived Changes in Holiday Destinations[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1982,9:145-164.
[13] Phelps,A.Holiday Destination Image-The Problems of Assessment:An Example Developed in Menorca[J].Tourism Management,1986,7(3):168-180.
[14] Calantone,R.1.,C.A.di Benedetto.A.Hakam,and D.C.Bojanic.Multiple Multinational Tourism Positioning Using Correspondence Analysis[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,28(2):25-32.
[15] Echtner,C.,and J.R.B.Ritchie.The Measurement of Destination Image:An Empirical Assessment[J].Journal of Travel Research,1993,22(4):3-13.
[16] Milman,A.,and A.Pizam.The Role of Awareness and Familiarity with a Destination:The Central Florida Case [J].Journal of Travel Research,1995,33(3):21-27.
[17] Mayo,E.J.,and L.P.Jarvis.The Psychology of Leisure Travel[M].Boston:CBI.1981.
[18] Anderssen,P.,and R.T.Colberg.Multivariate Analysis in Travel Research:A Tool for Travel Package Design and Market Segmentation[M].In the Fourth Annual Conference Proceedings of TTRA.Sun valley,ID:Travel and Tourism Research Association,1973,pp.225-238.
[19] Goodrich,J.N.The Relationship between Preferences for and Perceptions of Vacation Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1978,16(Fall):8-13.
[20] Po-Ju Chen;Deborah L Kerstetter.International students' image of rural Pennsylvania as a travel destination[J].Journal of Travel Researc,1999,29(Feb):256-266.
[21] Lewis,Barbara R.Service Quality:An International Comparison of Bank Customers' Expectations and Perceptions [J].Journal of Marketing Management,1991,7(1):47-62.
[22] Mayo,Edward J.,and Lance P.Jarvis.The Psychology of Leisure Travel:Effective Marketing and Selling of Travel Services[M].Boston:CBI.1981.
[23] Crompton,J.L.An Assessment of the Image of Mexico as a Vacation Destination and the Influence of Geographical Location upon That Image[J].Journal of Travel Research,1979,17(spring):18-23.
[24] Anderssen,P.,and R.T.Colberg.Multivariate Analysis in Travel Research:A Tool for Travel Package Design and Market Segmentation[M].In the Fourth Annual Conference Proceedings of TTRA.Sun Valley,ID:Travel and Tourism Research Association,1973,pp.225-238.
[25] Goodrich,J.N.The Relationship between Preferences for and perceptions of Vacation Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1978,16(Fall):8-13.
[26] Garther,W.C.Temporal influences on Image Change[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1986,13:635-644.
[27] Fenton,M.,and P.Pearce.Multidimensional Scaling and Tourism Research[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1988,15:236-254.
[28] Gartner,L.Tourism Image:Attribute Measurement of State Tourism Products using Multidimensional Techniques[J].Journal of Travel Research,1989,28(Fall):16-22.
[29] Crompton,J.L,P.C.Fakeye,and Chi-Chuan Lue.Positioning:The Example of the Lower Rio Grande Valley in the Winter Long Stay Destination Market[J].Journal of Travel Research,1992,31(Fall):20-26.
[30] Baloglu,S.,and il.Brinberg.Affective Images of Tourism Destinations[J].Journal of Travel Research,1997,35(4):11-15.
[31] Van Raaij,W.Fred,and Dick A.Francken.Vacation Decisions,Activities,and Satisfactions[J].Annals of Tourism Research,1984,11:101-112.
