考虑到拉康的主体理论如今的深入人心,任何一个主体现在我们都只好承认是分裂或多重的。‘我’是由一个自我和很多个大、小他者构成,‘我’身上同时具备着小资、无产阶级、民工、下岗者、女权主义、同性恋的身份因素或可能性(巴尔特:‘我’也不是一个纯洁的主体。德里达:I am haunted by myself who am (haunted by myself who am haunted by myself who am……〖《马》,同上,133页〗);‘我’是一封永远都不会寄到的信。)。‘我’是复数的。‘我’不是一个自治的行动者。‘代表’此时也就成为一个大问题:谁是已经得到启示和解放的阶级,可来代表其它阶级?难道真的是小资或大资知识分子,真的么?当无产阶级也是象资产阶级那样的‘将利益最大化者’,知识分子自己也有那么多的既得利益,这‘代表’还纯洁,还是一种transparent representation么?‘代表’本身是否已是一种霸权和压迫了?为什么社会中总会有那么些主体只等着别人来代表,压迫和苦难为什么总是先已结构性地发生了,那么多的社会进步群体要来拯救或解放无产阶级,为什么最后总仍是无产阶级,在中国是广大的农民来付代价?教育水平低、国民性落后,所以不能搞一种高一级的民主,那么是什么使民众的教育跟不上,使国民性落后了几十年呢?是谁在故意使我们的教育水平低、‘国民性’落后?正是各种‘代表’使‘代表’不可能?
1990年是马克思主义在二十世纪里最灰头土脸的一年,面对苏联和东欧共产党政府的倒台,连各种持新左立场的人都懵在了一边,再加上杀出个福山来,马克主义被宣布为过时、已死,旧的‘新左’立场几乎被当成弃物。怎么也没想到,在这个时刻,竟是德里达这个被阿尔都塞和他的学生排挤的马克思主义冷淡者出来顶住了逆流〖阿尔都塞判德里达的毕业论文‘无分’,理由是,有这么多紧迫的现实问题,该生却去写胡塞尔。在《保卫马克思》〖英文版,28页〗中,他还在说:用胡塞尔去掩盖马克思,是将各种面具当作了现实。我觉得《马克思主义的各种幽灵》是德里达四十年里暗暗跟阿尔都塞较劲的结果:看看谁将马克思读得更好。〗。从来没见过一个受洗过的新左对马克思主义象他这样真情过:‘It will always be a fault not to read and reread and discuss Marx--which is to say also a few others--and to go beyond scholarly ‘reading’ or ‘discussion.’ It will be more and more a fault, a failing of theoretical, philosophical, political responsibility. When the dogma machine and the Marxist ideological apparatuses (States, parties, cells, unions, and other places of doctrinal production) are in the process of disappearing, we no longer have any excuse, only alibis, for turning away from this responsibility. There will be no future without this. Not without Marx, no future without Marx, without the memory and the inheritance of Marx: in any case of certain Marx, of his genius, of at least one of his spirits.’〖《马》,英文版, 1994年,13页〗 ’
《马克思主义的各种幽灵》成为那时的新左重伤的止血剂,成为此后的新左面对各种逆流时的最重要的立场挡坝。我觉得德里达后来的书里的立场,《马》里都说及了,只是在那本书的框架下的一些发展。这是一本划时代的书。(拉克洛对《马克思主义的各种幽灵》中对马克思主义的解构作出了极高评价: ‘The deconstructive operation is impeccable, the horizons that it opens are far-reaching, and the intertextuality within which it takes place is highly illuminating…This is the terrain of constitutive undecidability, of an experience of the impossible that, paradoxically, makes responsibility, decision, law and –finally--the messianic itself possible in its actual historical forms. I find myself in full agreement with this movement’〖《各种解放Emancipation(s)》,1996年,70, 75页〗。拉克洛的感激之情溢于言表。
拉克洛在1990年写他的《关于我们时代的革命的新反思》时也讲到了德里达到Riverside分校去作那个《马》的原初报告(中国学者苏绍智和张隆溪被组织者请去见证了那一报告)时的时代感,这对我们认识《马》的背景很有帮助:At the time of writing—a year that has seen Tiananmen Square, the collapse of the regimes in Eastern Europe and the beginning of a process of political transformation with unpredictable results in the Soviet Union—it is obviously easy to indulge in facile teleologies and present the whole process from the Enlightenment to the Russian Revolution as a continuum, or rather a progression, that was to culminate in Tiananmen or the execution of Ceausescu. But such images are superficial and absurd. The very notion of ‘reoccupation’ that we invoked above conspires against them: if new ideas, new discourses, new social demands adapt badly to the ground they occupy, it is this tension that must provide a starting point, not the supposed teleological unity of a single field embracing the whole of its contents. 〖同上,75-76页〗
这是一个十分重要的立场:1990年之后,无产阶级事业和新左再也不是要去完成既定的目标了,我们在那个历史关头,那个脱了节的时代里所迎入的所有新东西与现实的矛盾,本身就成了我们的斗争的起点,我们必须从从头开始,从每一步抗争开始了。我们的事业开始于我们的争论和斗争开始的那一刻。无产阶级的斗争事业真正开始于夺权成功、内部斗争白热化、各种政治力量由于激烈的论争和争夺而在相互之间形成激进的民主之时。没有这个,革命新政府、无产阶级专政、人民当家作主,共产国际,全世界无产阶级的联合,都是皮毛。马克思主义在二十世纪可能根本就没有发生,二十一世纪,才是‘马克思主义’的世纪:The century of ‘Marxism’ will have been that of the techno-scientific and effective decentering of the earth, of geopolitics, of the anthropos in its onto-theological identity or its genetic properties, of the ego cogito—and of the very concept of narcissism whose aporias are, let us say in order to go too quickly and save ourselves a lot of references, the explicit theme of deconstruction. 〖《马》,同上,98页〗说到底,这也就是解构的世纪!解构才是二十一世纪的马克思主义,德里达几乎想这样脱口而出! )