我们中国新左必须为新涌现的各种弱势群体构想出适合于他们的政治和文化的抵抗、抗争和霸权策略,使他们自己就能去捍卫自己的政治、文化身份,去占领城市的公共政治空间和文化空间,去破坏和重构城市小中产阶级、小资产阶级的种种发嗲文化、麻醉文化,那种将肉麻当有趣的各种新都市想象体(metropolitan imaginaries),使我们时代感受最大苦难者、承受最大责任者,能替我们淘洗出我们时代的新文化质素来,留下我们时代最有活力的东西。中国新富、小产阶级、小资、小中产阶级、新职业层中产阶级(如果他们能构成社会行动者主体的话)的文化和政治是注定没有前途的,用马克思主义的话说,是先天地不够进步的。它们想重复社会秩序、社会规范、想要‘严肃’和‘高雅’,为此而不惜乏味、无聊和压抑。在未来,它们将上要面对艺术家和‘知识分子’的强烈颠覆,下要承受各种‘反文化’、‘反政治’的社会地下活力。中国城市小资、小产阶级对城镇民工的文化的倒灌,是要对民工文化、新劳动阶级文化小资化,是要将民工、新城市化人口的生活‘伪小资化’,在中国城市文化里当今盛行的种种发嗲和装蒜,是当代中国文化里最令人恶心的发生。我们如果是知识分子,如果是艺术家,又碰巧是新左,就应首先拿这个开刀。
(拉克洛这样说到民工与城市中、小产阶级之间的文化霸权、文化空间之争夺的必然性:the constitution of political imageries in the Third World. Migrants from rural areas to the expanding cities (民工) bring with them a range of values, discourses and symbols, etc., from their places of origin. In the new urban environment a fresh set of antagonisms and dislocations occur in relation to their traditional symbols and values of rural life as a means of creating a culture of resistance: in other words, those symbols and values operate as surfaces for the inscription of the new urban antagonisms and dislocations. Once the symbols’ circulation has reached a certain level of generalization in the representation of a vast rang of antagonisms, they become the necessary surface for the inscription of any new demand. It is for that reason that, when social groups different from those that were their original bearers—the urban middle sectors, for example—attempt to construct forms of resistance to their specific dislocations, they will increasingly invoke the symbols of resistance of internal migrants: for such symbols are the only ideological raw material expressing anti-establishment protest in that society. This constant extension of the area of the representable in the discursive surfaces formed by anti-establishment symbols has a dual effect, of course: on the one hand it consolidates that surface as the representation of the very form of the anti-establishment; but on the other, if it can perform this function of representing any demand and social protest, it is because it has been emptied of any concrete content by the very fact of its consolidation as a necessary discursive surface. The fullness of the community thus becomes an empty form and its relation with the concrete demands of the different groups is therefore essentially hegemonic and unstable.〖《对》,同上,79-80页〗)
C 现在的苦难、过去的苦难、我们的苦难和各种‘他们’的苦难,都是新左需关注的苦难
我们的各种解放计划和策略之间也常常相互矛盾。我们的许多苦难甚至是由我们的某种解放计划和策略带来。我们已到了解放的终结,自由的开始处〖同上,19页:Freedom is both liberating and enslaving, exilerating and traumatic, enabling and destructive. In a fragmented and heterogeneous society, the spaces of freedom certainly increase, but this is not a phenomenon which is uniformly positive, because it also installs in those spaces the ambiguity of freedom.〗。但我们新左的勇气正表现在对这种有时是很难撇清的各种苦难的倾听、关注,对苦难者提供持续的道义支持上。大家一定要警惕我们新左喊出的好听的口号,我们说到的总是一种艰难的责任,一定要看我们的行动。
D 人权之普遍性和普遍性保证下的人权对我们新左是无条件的——我们新左先天就是国际主义、反各种形式的民族主义的中国新左要捍卫其基本的思想框架,就必须坚持人权超越于文化的交互性,承认人权是一种普遍的、民主的世界伦理的总前提。中国新左必须坚决与