作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-10-19
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[30] Douglass C. North:“Privatization, Incentives and Economic Performance”, in Anderson/Hill, eds, The Privatisation Process, Rowman &Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p.26.
[31] [美]约翰•罗尔斯著《正义论》,何怀宏 何包钢 廖申白译,中国社会科学出版社,1988年,p.14。
[32] [美]阿瑟•奥肯著《平等与效率》,王奔洲等译,华夏出版社,1999年第2版,p.90。
[33] [美]埃莉诺•奥斯特罗姆、拉里•施罗德和苏珊•温著:《制度激励与可持续发展》,上海三联书店,2000,p.127-144.
[34] Christopher C. Hood: The Tools of Government, The Macmillan Press Ltd,1983, p.133.
[35] [美]文森特•奥斯特罗姆著《复合共和制的政治理论》,毛寿龙译,上海三联书店,1998年,p.69
[36] [美]埃莉诺•奥斯特罗姆、拉里•施罗德和苏珊•温著《制度激励与可持续发展》,[C]上海三联书店,2000,p.133
[37] Jerrey, L.Pressman and Aaron B. Wildavsky: Implementation, Berkeley: University of California Press,1973,p.143
[38] The Brookngs Institution: New Public Management and Performance, Washington D.C 2001,见
[39] Joseph E.Stiglitz et al. Edited by Arnold Heertje: The Economic Role of the State, Basil Blackwell Ltd ,1989.P21.
[40] World Bank: World Development Report: Infrastructure for Development, Oxford University Press,Inc, 1994, p.8-9
[41] The Brookings Institution: New Public Management and Performance, Washington D.C 2001,见
[29] [美]约瑟夫•斯蒂格里兹著《政府经济学》,春秋出版社,1988年,p.60。
[30] Douglass C. North:“Privatization, Incentives and Economic Performance”, in Anderson/Hill, eds, The Privatisation Process, Rowman &Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p.26.
[31] [美]约翰•罗尔斯著《正义论》,何怀宏 何包钢 廖申白译,中国社会科学出版社,1988年,p.14。
[32] [美]阿瑟•奥肯著《平等与效率》,王奔洲等译,华夏出版社,1999年第2版,p.90。
[33] [美]埃莉诺•奥斯特罗姆、拉里•施罗德和苏珊•温著:《制度激励与可持续发展》,上海三联书店,2000,p.127-144.
[34] Christopher C. Hood: The Tools of Government, The Macmillan Press Ltd,1983, p.133.
[35] [美]文森特•奥斯特罗姆著《复合共和制的政治理论》,毛寿龙译,上海三联书店,1998年,p.69
[36] [美]埃莉诺•奥斯特罗姆、拉里•施罗德和苏珊•温著《制度激励与可持续发展》,[C]上海三联书店,2000,p.133
[37] Jerrey, L.Pressman and Aaron B. Wildavsky: Implementation, Berkeley: University of California Press,1973,p.143
[38] The Brookngs Institution: New Public Management and Performance, Washington D.C 2001,见
[39] Joseph E.Stiglitz et al. Edited by Arnold Heertje: The Economic Role of the State, Basil Blackwell Ltd ,1989.P21.
[40] World Bank: World Development Report: Infrastructure for Development, Oxford University Press,Inc, 1994, p.8-9
[41] The Brookings Institution: New Public Management and Performance, Washington D.C 2001,见
