The Embodiment of Totalitarianism in Nineteen Eighty-Four(10)
作者:佚名; 更新时间:2014-10-19
t. He described the BBC atmosphere as "something halfway between a girls' school and a lunatic asylum". [16]What irritated him above all about the BBC was the feeling of frustration engendered by bureaucratic changes of course. “One is constantly putting sheer rubbish on the air because of having talks which sound too intelligent cancelled at the last moment... "[17] The BBC, with its multifarious departments, memos and canteen, where the wartime stew was no doubt thin, may well have served as Orwell's model for the Ministry of Truth in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

It is through Or-well's vivid description, vigorous intuition and clear vision that great dangers of totalitarian dictatorship have been exposed. Indeed, these dangers are everywhere. It is his works that sharpen the readers' eyes so that they can see these dangers.


The world has suffered a lot from the rule of totalitarianism. There were two catastrophic world wars in the first half of 20th during which human civilizations declined and decayed. The gloomy reality which Orwell faced forced him to make the nightmare-like warning to stir people up to avoid the abyss in front of them. His profound observations of the first half of the twentieth century and his vivid description in Nineteen Eighty-Four bestow the novel a special kind of fictional-factual style, which makes it the best illustration for the embodiment of totalitarianism.

Although Nineteen Eighty-Four was written more than half a century ago and the present world situation is much more prosperous and peaceful than that time as peace and development has become the main themes of the contemporary world, we have to admit that since 1948 anti-culture and anti-humanism have been gaining ground with a virulence which even Orwell was unable to gauge due to his own historical limitation. Atomic terror has now reached the level of crisis and is threatening not only to destroy our bodies but also to damage our minds. The drastic energy crisis and soaring-up oil prices triggered off undeclared war, whose implications are more than just economic. On the international plane, the wars of liberation from 1948 onward, the decline of the old colonial powers, the establishment of new geopolitical and military hegemonies, the rise of over a hundred new nations and the huge challenges of development are raising formidable problems of justice and even of pure survival for the world community.

Mankind has no choice, from now on it must live with nuclear weapons, an endangered genetic heritage, and a threatened natural environment. Where danger grows, the means of salvation grow as well. Yet, the human history has proved that we have the power to correct misguided development and to test our new approaches. The horrible scenes described in Nineteen Eighty-Four did not become reality in the year of 1984. Never can they be allowed to become reality in the future.


[1] Anthony Stewart.George Orwell,Doubleness,and the Value of Decency [M].New Youk:Routedge,2003:60.


[3] George Orwell.The Complete Works of George Orwell [M].London:Secker and Warburg,1998;54.


[5] George Orwell. The Road to Pier[M]. London:Oxford University Press, 1962:108.

[6] 乔治.奥威尔.我为什么要写作[A].董乐山(翻译).奥威尔文集[C].北京:中国广播电视出版社,1997:95.

[7] 乔治. 奥威尔.一九八四[M].刘小刚,许卉艳 (翻译).北京:中国致公出版社,2001:294-295.

[8] 奥威尔,249.

[9] 奥威尔,349.

[10] 奥威尔,531.

[11] 奥威尔,434.


[13] 奥威尔,401.

[14] 奥威尔,521.

[15] 奥威尔,510.

[16]W.Emperson.“Orwell at the BBC”[J].The Listener,1974(4):121.

[17]Perter Lewis.The Road to 1984[M]. London:Heinemam/Quixote Press,1981:87.






Emperson, W.“Orwell at the BBC”[J].The Listener,1974(4):105-145.

Lewis, Perter.The Road to 1984[

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